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Category > Political Science Posted 13 Aug 2017 My Price 10.00

1st weeks help

Discussion post

Question one only need one paragraph Based on the “Road to a National Curriculum” article and the “Frequently Asked Questions” from the Common Core Standards Initiative, do you think that the Common Core Initiative violates federalism? Defend your position with examples from the U.S. Constitution or other readings.

Question two only need one paragraph Based on your understanding of the separation of powers, which branch of government has exercised the most power regarding Race to the Top, Common Core standards, and its assessments? Which has exercised the least? Defend your position with examples from the U.S. Constitution or other readings.



The following principles have been recognized as core tenets of the U.S. Constitution:

  1. Checks and balances
  2. Federalism
  3. Judicial review
  4. Limited government
  5. Popular sovereignty
  6. Separation of powers

Create a 12-15 slide PowerPoint presentation to educate a group of students or adults about the core tenets listed above for an upcoming Constitution Day celebration in a school setting. You may select a grade level 1-12, teachers, or parents as your audience. Please specify your intended audience and include other pertinent information within the presenter’s notes. Your presentation should be engaging and appropriate for your chosen audience.

In addition to your PowerPoint, include a 250-500-word essay describing two interactive learning activities for your intended audience to coincide with your presentation




Status NEW Posted 13 Aug 2017 08:08 AM My Price 10.00

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