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Category > Essay writing Posted 15 Aug 2017 My Price 10.00

allusions, authorities, Essay number 4, writing homework help

I'll send you a Journal that most be use as a reference to make this Essay.

Research: You must use six annotated source from the prior assignment for this essay.  I'll attach a copy of the journal you did for me. So you can use that as a reference.



Rules of the game


*essay must be typed using 12pt. Times New Roman Font
*essay must be a minimum of 6-8 pages in length
*essay must have proper headings for first page and subsequent pages
*essay must include the SIX SOURCES from your annotated bibliography.  Sources must be used to either support the points you are making, or refute them.
*thesis statement must be set off in other type (bold, italics, or underlined)


Other things to keep in mind for this essay:


Support: To support the points you make, include any of the following kinds of information:


  -- Examples (Specific cases or illustrations of phenomena.)


  -- Allusions (references to the literature we’ve read, or to popular culture, religion, current events)


  -- Authorities (sources or people who can substantiate points based on research or professional qualifications.)


--Analogies (they compare a familiar thing to a less familiar thing to make the less familiar more understandable.)

3) Quotes: Be sure that your quotes are smoothly integrated with your own words. Please also be sure to review the College’s policy regarding plagiarism. See chapter 24 of the Lunsford text for information on how to integrate quotes smoothly. This is an essential skill for writing well. Remember that any exact words that are borrowed from another source need to be in quotation marks.

4) Organization: Be sure to give us a standard academic essay. Here's a description of a standard academic essay:


  Introduction: Open with general information about the ideas to be discussed and lead readers to the last sentence of the paragraph, which should be the thesis statement – this  states the main point of the essay. Be sure that in this sentence, you've got a clear purpose in mind; in other words, know at this point whether you're going to keep this an objective, 3rd-person analysis of the literature, or you're going to use the literature to make your own point. You can do either for this assignment, but they're different essays, different approaches, and they require different thesis statements. REVIEW TIPS ON INTRODUCTIONS IN HL!!


  Body Paragraphs: You need at least three, but you can certainly have more. Each paragraph should have one clear main point. The easiest, most obvious technique of sharing the paragraph's main point is to state it in a topic sentence, which is usually the first sentence of the paragraph. Sometimes the topic sentence works as the last sentence, and sometimes the topic can be implied, without an actual topic sentence. You've got to be sure, though, that the paragraph does, indeed, have a single main point. The purpose of the paragraph, then, is not only to make the point, but also to prove it with examples and quotes (or facts, statistics, anecdotes, details, etc.). A good rule of thumb (although I hate hard and fast rules of writing because each essay is different!) is that you should have three bits of support (quotes or examples) for each body paragraph. Each example should follow the intro/quote/analysis pattern. This means that you use your words to state the idea; then you introduce the quote with a signal phrase (e.g., He says, " ..."); and finally you write a sentence or so pulling out the significance of the quote -- analyzing (explaining) how the quote supports the point.


  Concluding Paragraph: Without repeating exactly what you've already said, remind us of the essay's main point and move on to discuss the significance – the implications in our own lives – of the ideas you've discussed.REVIEW TIPS ON CONCLUSIONS IN HL!!



Status NEW Posted 15 Aug 2017 06:08 AM My Price 10.00

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