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  • MBA.Graduate Psychology,PHD in HRM
    Feb-1999 - Mar-2006

  • MBA.Graduate Psychology,PHD in HRM
    Strayer,Phoniex,University of California
    Feb-1999 - Mar-2006


  • PR Manager
    Apr-2003 - Apr-2007

Category > Statistics Posted 22 Aug 2017 My Price 8.00


1) You conduct a study examining the average distance walked to school for kindergarten, first and second graders. You analyze the data using ANOVA and determine your F value is significant. You know this means:


the kindergarteners walked less distance than both the first and second graders


there is a significant difference between each of these groups


there is a significant difference between at least two of these groups


the second graders walked further than the kindergarteners


2)A study examining the relationship between balance and risk of falls reports an r of -0.9. What percentage of the variance in falls is explained by difficulties with balance?








Unable to determine


3) You are conducting an asthma study and your independent t-test results show a significant p value for Leveneâs Test for Equality of Variances. You know this means:


the variances in your two groups are equal


you should use the analysis report numbers that do not assume equal variances


the homoscedasticity assumption is met


heteroscedasticity is not a concern


4) Your study examines knowledge gained from your intervention using an exam score. Your participants complete a pre and post test exam which is graded on a scale of 0-100%. Which type of analysis would be appropriate?




chi square


t-test for independent groups


t-test for dependent groups


5) Your cohort study examines the relationship between watching two or more hours of television a day and the risk of developing osteoporosis. You find a relative risk of 5.2 (95% Cl 1.8-5.4). You know this means:


your results are not significant so you fail to reject the null hypothesis


Two hours of television causes 5.2% of osteoporosis


individuals with osteoporosis are at five times greater risk


individuals who watch more than two hours of television a day are 5.2 times as likely to develop osteoporosis as those who do not


6) A randomized study compared the average sperm count in men over 45 to the average sperm count in men under 45 at six weeks post-vasectomy. What would be the most appropriate test for this analysis?


student t-test






Spearmanâs correlation coefficient


7) In January of 2009, a clinic with 300 identified tuberculosis patients performs a routine screening and discovers one hundred and twenty-two patients of these patients are also HIV+. Two tuberculosis patients die and one additional patient with tuberculosis is detected. The prevalence of tuberculosis patients in this clinic in February 2009 is:










8) You are reading a public health report which states that if products containing peanuts are banned from all elementary schools 38% of allergic reactions among elementary students could be eliminated. You know this study is reporting the:


odds ratio


relative risk


attributable risk for the exposed group


attributable risk for the total population


9) In January of 2009, a clinic with 300 previously identified HIV+ patients performs a routine screening and discovers ten additional patients who are HIV+. The prevalence of HIV+ patients in this clinic in January 2009 is:








unable to determine


10) A study reports an association between snowfall and school cancellation during the winter. The r=0.4, You know this means:


there is a weak positive correlation


there is a moderate positive correlation


there is a strong positive correlation


it is significant


11) Your study follows three groups of individuals and looks to see if the treatment you are offering has an effect over time. Your ANOVA results have an insignificant F value. You know this means:


your sample size was not large enough


the correlation is low


results are no clinically significant


results are clinically significant but not statistically significant


12) You conduct a case control study and determine that five people with the disease were exposed and one person with the disease was not exposed. You also determine that seven people without the disease were exposed and twenty-one had no disease and no exposure. Calculate the appropriate Odds ratio.










13) If your study reports a relative risk of 0.21 with a p value of 0.03 you know the exposure of interest is:


weakly correlated with the disease of interest


a protective exposure


a risk factor




14) If you select an alpha of 0.05 and a power of 0.80 for your study and your independent t-test for the difference in the mean serum potassium level of kidney dialysis patients and kidney transplant patients has a p value of 0.02. You know this means:


You did not have enough power to find a difference between the two groups.


There is a significant difference between the two groups.


There is a significant difference between the two groups but you did not find it.


You need to increase the sample size in your study in order to increase the power.


Status NEW Posted 22 Aug 2017 06:08 AM My Price 8.00

Hel-----------lo -----------Sir-----------/Ma-----------dam----------- T-----------han-----------k y-----------ou -----------for----------- us-----------ing----------- ou-----------r w-----------ebs-----------ite----------- an-----------d a-----------cqu-----------isi-----------tio-----------n o-----------f m-----------y p-----------ost-----------ed -----------sol-----------uti-----------on.----------- Pl-----------eas-----------e p-----------ing----------- me----------- on----------- ch-----------at -----------I a-----------m o-----------nli-----------ne -----------or -----------inb-----------ox -----------me -----------a m-----------ess-----------age----------- I -----------wil-----------l

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