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Category > Physics Posted 22 Aug 2017 My Price 10.00


Wiki VIEW log in help Search this workspace Pages & Files EDIT Full of hot air
last edited by To join this workspace, request access. Ben Dreyfus 1 year ago Page history 5.2.6.P1 Already have an account? Log in! Navigator Open 131-F13 Course Material… Take four little coffee stirrer straws. Connect them with Scotch tape
in the two different configurations as shown in the figure at the right:
two of them in parallel (side by side - the left configuration), and two
of them in series (end to end - the right configuration). Blow through each configuration, blowing as hard as you can until
you empty your lungs. You should find that using one of the
combinations allows you to empty your lungs more quickly than the
other. Measure the time each takes.
Let's figure out how the resistance of each straw adds in order to
produce a combined or total resistance for each configuration in
order to get a theoretical prediction of how the flow compares in the
two cases. Pages Files options SideBar BERG Home
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Instructor Reflections The basic tool we need is the Hagen-Poiseuille equation that relates
the pressure drop across the ends of a pipe with the volume current
flowing through it:
Δp = JZ,
where Δp is the pressure difference across the ends of the pipe, J is
the volume flowing through the straw per second, and Z is the
resistance of the straw. PERG Home
ChERG Home If each individual straw has an identical resistance Z, find the effective resistance of the two
combinations A and B.
Do this by constructing an H-P equation for the combination. You will need to figure out what the
pressure drop is across the combined straws, and what the current flow is through the combined straws.
This will give an effective resistance for each combination. Recent Activity Retinal display
edited by Joe Redish
Action potentials on an axon
edited by Joe Redish Zeff = Δp/J,
where in this equation, Δp and J are the pressure drop and flow for the combination. O58f1.jpg
uploaded by Joe Redish Your result for the two combinations should allow you to predict the ratio of the times it takes to empty
your lungs in the two cases. How well does the prediction of the flow rate agree with the times you
measured? test
edited by Joe Redish
uploaded by Joe Redish H. Dobbins and E. Redish 11/26/08 Spring 2017 Physics 132 Reminders from…
edited by Kim Moore Comments (0) Spring 2017, Physics 131, Reminders fro…
edited by Kim Moore You don't have permission to comment on this page. Printable version
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Status NEW Posted 22 Aug 2017 08:08 AM My Price 10.00

Hel-----------lo -----------Sir-----------/Ma-----------dam----------- T-----------han-----------k y-----------ou -----------for----------- us-----------ing----------- ou-----------r w-----------ebs-----------ite----------- an-----------d a-----------cqu-----------isi-----------tio-----------n o-----------f m-----------y p-----------ost-----------ed -----------sol-----------uti-----------on.----------- Pl-----------eas-----------e p-----------ing----------- me----------- on----------- ch-----------at -----------I a-----------m o-----------nli-----------ne -----------or -----------inb-----------ox -----------me -----------a m-----------ess-----------age----------- I -----------wil-----------l

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