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Category > Foreign Languages Posted 30 Aug 2017 My Price 10.00

linguistics paper-Prescriptivism vs Descriptivism Paper, homeowork

During Week 2 (Lecture 4, Lobeck pages 10-18) we discuss issues related to grammaticality, and how a prescriptive point of view on language differs from a descriptive point of view.

Your task is to write a 3 to 5 page persuasive paper on either prescriptivism or descriptivism. It should be double spaced and in 11 point font. You may use examples from the media or from real life to illustrate your point. 

It may help to listen to a public lecture by linguist Geoffrey Pullum at the UW on February 2013: (Links to an external site.).

Additionally, a clip from the PBS series "Do you Speak American" can help clarify matters for you: (Links to an external site.)



Status NEW Posted 30 Aug 2017 07:08 AM My Price 10.00

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