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Category > Political Science Posted 12 Sep 2017 My Price 10.00

What do you consider to be the most pressing global issue today and why?

I'm working on a scholarship essay that asks "What do you consider to be the most pressing global issue today and why?" - 2500 character limit.


I'm going with the idea of Religious Intolerance around the word and saying that I think its a very important global issue since my friend is also affected by it. I just need help flushing out the context of the essay.

Here's my first draft:


Let me know if your interested in helping me.

What do you consider to be the most pressing global issue today and why? (Characters Remaining: 2500)


History hasn't really changed. Those who don’t like what others believe are trying to persecute them. As a society we still fail to empathize for those that are different from us. As a society we find it easy to relate to someone similar to ourselves, some who deals with the same issues we encounter daily. However this can lead to speculations and assumptions about another’s cultures or beliefs. Today, we are still dealing with the issue of religious intolerance. Groups such Boko Haram, and IS militants are performing hurtful hate crimes against those who are against their own religious beliefs.


Take the secondary school in Nigeria that was attacked by Boko Haram. The Boko Haram killed 47 children in raid. One child stated that he was sleeping in the night and woke up to a man pointing a gun at his face. As he tried to lift his hand to surrender, the militant shoot off the four fingers of his hand, the one he used to right with. Boko Haram targeted these children because the Boko Haram warned that it went against children learning about Christian beliefs.

In Paris Gunmen attacked French satirical magazine "Charlie Hebdo" killing least 12 people. The magazine company was completed destroyed over the fact that they had created satires expressing their views.

How many more genocides are approaching due to religious intolerance?


Within the gentlemen’s club, I mentor students on how they can succeed in and outside of school. I’ve worked with Eric, a Muslim boy who struggled in his math classes. He was funny, creative, and fun attitude that anyone could admire. Similar we also played volleyball together and always had a fun vibe whenever we were with each other. Never did I ever speculate that he would try to hurt me in any way. He only wanted a companion to help him with his math homework, or get simply get a cup of coffee and talk about anything going on in classes or at home and I was there to assist him taking the derivative of a function. Although we may not have similar beliefs, we can still live with each other’s differences, it hurts to see that some people will only see him a potential terrorist.


Rather than fighting for what we believe in, we should celebrate our differences and enjoy each other’s company. Schools should be developed in religious-heavy lands to teach lessons such as dying for one's religion may lead to sainthood or martyrdom however killing for one's religion is murder and that after speaking to one another, after a good meal, or a “human connection” the external ideals that separated and divided us subside and allow us to live in harmony with one another. Religious intolerance is hindering mankind’s progression towards a more friendly and progressive world and I can only hope that those who speculate the worst of him will not physically attack Eric.





Status NEW Posted 12 Sep 2017 07:09 AM My Price 10.00

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