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Category > Foreign Languages Posted 12 Sep 2017 My Price 10.00

Spanish Homework Help. Advanced Grammar.... Pasiva perifrástica, pasiva refleja.. etc..

I still cannot get a grasp on this whole idea of using pasiva perifrástica, pasiva refleja, impersonal con "se" y impersonal 3 p.p.

I have 5 sentences that are in one of these forms, some I can tell which others I cannot... And I need to put them into every single form, while keeping in mind that it may not be possible for some...

This assignment is very important and I just am not grasping on at all. It is impossible and I don't know why because I generally understand almost everything I have learned in Spanish up to this point.

Here are the sentences and exact directions:


Escribe esta oraciones en la columna correcta (los 5 tipos).  Luego, completa el cuadro transformado las oraciones a ideas similares. Debes mantener el tiempo verbal y no todas las transformaciones son posibles..


Original: Entregan $3.700 millones para preservar bosque nativo (impersonal 3 p.p)
$3.700 millones son entregados para perservar bosque nativo (pasiva perifrástica?)
Se entregan $3.700 millones para preservar bosque nativo (pasiva refleja)
So for this one I need activa and impersonal con se.

Original: El bosque nativo se maneje de forma autosustentable (pasiva refleja)
Need the rest.

Original: Conaf le entregará una bonificación de 43 UTM. (activa)
Need the rest

Original: se llega a un nivel tan alto (impersonal con se o pasiva refleja?)
Need the rest

Original: El dinero no adjudicado se destinará a un segundo llamado
Need everything haha


And what I have could be wrong too!!


Ok so any and all help is appreciated. I am trying to learn this but in reality I just want to speak the language correctly and could care less about these different uses, as long as I understand the context... It would be great to know but I am not grasping it. 



Status NEW Posted 12 Sep 2017 10:09 AM My Price 10.00

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