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  • MBA.Graduate Psychology,PHD in HRM
    Feb-1999 - Mar-2006

  • MBA.Graduate Psychology,PHD in HRM
    Strayer,Phoniex,University of California
    Feb-1999 - Mar-2006


  • PR Manager
    Apr-2003 - Apr-2007

Category > Business & Finance Posted 24 Sep 2017 My Price 8.00

"Designing and Delivering Business Presentations."

  1. Read Chapter 12: "Designing and Delivering Business Presentations."
  2. Complete the Lesson 12 Project: Presentation (30 points).

Select ONE topic from the list below to use for the Lesson 12 Project.


Select ONE topic from the following list.

  1. Proposal to develop a policy to present to leadership that provides up to five paid days annually for volunteer work
  2. Proposal to leadership to implement an in-house recycling program
  3. Proposal to a local business to enhance the customer experience without increasing costs
  4. Proposal to the board of directors to forge a strategic alliance with another company
  5. Proposal presented to leadership to extend your company's domestic retail market into an international market


Project: Presentation

  1. Research the topic you selected from the list. Using Microsoft Word, create a 5- to10-minute written speech on the topic you selected, including the benefits related to the proposal you are planning. The speech should be written word for word as you plan to deliver it to your audience.


  1. Read Chapter 12: "Designing and Delivering Business Presentations."
  2. Complete the Lesson 12 Project: Presentation (30 points).

Select ONE topic from the list below to use for the Lesson 12 Project.


Select ONE topic from the following list.

  1. Proposal to develop a policy to present to leadership that provides up to five paid days annually for volunteer work
  2. Proposal to leadership to implement an in-house recycling program
  3. Proposal to a local business to enhance the customer experience without increasing costs
  4. Proposal to the board of directors to forge a strategic alliance with another company
  5. Proposal presented to leadership to extend your company's domestic retail market into an international market


Project: Presentation

  1. Research the topic you selected from the list. Using Microsoft Word, create a 5- to10-minute written speech on the topic you selected, including the benefits related to the proposal you are planning. The speech should be written word for word as you plan to deliver it to your audience.


Status NEW Posted 24 Sep 2017 01:09 PM My Price 8.00

Hel-----------lo -----------Sir-----------/Ma-----------dam----------- T-----------han-----------k y-----------ou -----------for----------- us-----------ing----------- ou-----------r w-----------ebs-----------ite----------- an-----------d a-----------cqu-----------isi-----------tio-----------n o-----------f m-----------y p-----------ost-----------ed -----------sol-----------uti-----------on.----------- Pl-----------eas-----------e p-----------ing----------- me----------- on----------- ch-----------at -----------I a-----------m o-----------nli-----------ne -----------or -----------inb-----------ox -----------me -----------a m-----------ess-----------age----------- I -----------wil-----------l

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