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Category > Psychology Posted 28 Sep 2017 My Price 10.00

“What is a crisis?”

1. A nursing student asks Stanton “What is a crisis?”

Stanton should

respond that a crisis is a situaTon in which the person or family

a. Have di²culty with their growth and development phases

b. Are too subjec±vely involved to realize when there is a problem

c. Lack experience in how to deal with a problem

d. Constantly depend on others to problem solve their con³icts

PSYCHIATRIC NURSING NAPLES SUMMER 2017 1 Name: Case Study #1 (20% of your final grade)
# 1 of 2
Instructions: Omitting any part will result in zero points for the
1. Respond to each question (italicize or highlight your answer)
2. Give a rational for the correct response
3. Choose any 2 of the incorrect response for question 1-14 and provide a rational of why
they were wrong
4. Question #15 respond to a, b, c, d, e
5. Complete and submit in during class Stanton is a psychiatric nurse working in a crisis center.
1. A nursing student asks Stanton “What is a crisis?” Stanton should
respond that a crisis is a situation in which the person or family
a. Have difficulty with their growth and development phases
b. Are too subjectively involved to realize when there is a problem
c. Lack experience in how to deal with a problem
d. Constantly depend on others to problem solve their conflicts
2. Stanton tells the nursing students that in crisis, the staff understand
that one of the first reaction to crisis is the use of defense mechanisms.
The staff should recognize that the defense mechanism in the beginning
of a crisis
a. Are useful in helping the clients protect themselves
b. Should be interrupted to prevent further damage
c. Are indicative that the client is coping well
d. Are irrelevant as they are part of the basic personality PSYCHIATRIC NURSING NAPLES SUMMER 2017 2 3. Stanton, an advocate for nursing students, explains that people in crisis
often use isolation as a defense. Now, which behavior should be
assessed as isolation? The client
a. Downplay or minimizes the seriousness of the problem
b. Accepts the problem intellectually but not emotionally
c. Blames others for causing the problem
d. Puts excess energy in another area to neutralize the problem
4. Stanton informs the students that when a client is in crisis, the best
support group would be
a. The professionals working the crisis center
b. Clients with similar problems
c. Close family and friends who understands the client’s problem
d. The mental health technicians
5. Marie, age 18, was brought into the crisis center by a policewoman. She
was raped by a close friend. Stanton assigns the client to a female
nurse, Nannette. Which action by the nurse should have priority?
a. Obtain a detailed description of the rape
b. Treat her physical wounds
c. Explain that she will be safe here
d. Have a calm and accepting approach
6. Marie starts crying and states “my family will be very upset when they
find out.” Which response, by the nurse, would be most appropriate?
a. At this time, your family is your best support
b. Tell me how your family reacts during stressful times
c. You are under age, so your family will have to be notified
d. Don’t you think that they would rather kill the person who rape
7. Marie states to the nurse Nannette, “I might just kill myself, I feel so
dirty, no descent boy will ever look at me again” What initial approach
should take while talking to Marie.
a. One of concern and support
b. Neutral, not condoning or condemning
c. Distracting Marie from talking about the suicide
d. Ask if she ever had these feeling before? PSYCHIATRIC NURSING NAPLES SUMMER 2017 8. Marie states to the nurse Nannette, “I might just kill myself, I feel so
dirty, no descent boy will ever look at me again” How should the nurse
a. Is there a family member I can talk to?
b. How do you plan of killing yourself?
c. Keep her mind of her problem and the thought of suicide
d. How do you think you will feel if you kill yourself?
9. Stanton now introduces the nursing students to another client, a 45
year female name Yahali, who is bipolar. At this moment Yahalia is
demanding, manipulative, and sexually provocative. How can Stanton
best intervene?
a. Set limits to her acting-out behavior
b. Allow her to freely act out her feelings
c. Try to meet most of her demands
d. Accept her manipulative behavior
10. Stanton explains that Yahalia uses manipulation because
a. It gives her power over others
b. She is angry at not having her way
c. She has a poor self- image
d. It decreases her anxiety
11.Yahlia, is receiving lithium carbonate, 600 mg pot id. The nursing
students understand that the dosage is then reduced because
a. Lithium causes sodium retention
b. The toxicity and serum level are



Status NEW Posted 28 Sep 2017 03:09 PM My Price 10.00

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