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Category > Psychology Posted 18 Oct 2017 My Price 10.00

“Self-Esteem & Happiness Study”

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“Self-Esteem & Happiness Study” Abstract Studies have been conducted all over the world to find connections between self-esteem and grade point average. Self-esteem is not just about beauty or academic performance but about many other factors. This study examines self-esteem in direct correlation between grade point average and appearance. There was a direct positive correlation between grade point average and self-esteem. There was even a stronger positive correlation between grade point average and one’s personal image. In conclusion, one’s personal image has a strong impact on their grade point average thus, their self-esteem. Hypothesis: it is predicted that higher scores on the Rosenberg Self-Esteem scale will be signifi- cantly associated with higher scores on the Oxford Happiness Questionnaire. What does your data say about your levels of happiness? score: 3.83" this is my score on the ox- ford happiness test. It being slightly above average means I am not as happy as I should be and I should work on some things to change that. I see that you are responsible for your happiness if you expect others to make you happy you will always be disappointed. I learned to be grateful
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Status NEW Posted 18 Oct 2017 10:10 AM My Price 10.00

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