Miss Natalia


$20/per page/Negotiable

About Miss Natalia

Levels Tought:
Elementary,High School,College,University

Accounting,Business & Finance See all
Accounting,Business & Finance,Calculus,Computer Science,Environmental science,Health & Medical Hide all
Teaching Since: Apr 2017
Last Sign in: 279 Weeks Ago, 1 Day Ago
Questions Answered: 6064
Tutorials Posted: 6070


  • Doctor of Education in Educational Leadership with a Specialization in Educational Technology
    Phoniex University
    Oct-1999 - Nov-2005


  • HR Executive
    a21, Inc.
    Nov-1998 - Dec-2005

Category > HR Management Posted 17 May 2017 My Price 6.00

every term listed should be used and every single question should be answered

I need a 3 page A paper answering all questions asked in the file attached. Almost every term listed should be used and every single question should be answered and only evidence from the textbook should be used as well as one current event. It should be cited in MLA and have an MLA cited page but it should only have 2 sources on the page which is the textbook and a current event. 



Status NEW Posted 17 May 2017 05:05 AM My Price 6.00

Sol-----------uti-----------ons----------- fi-----------le ----------- He-----------llo----------- Si-----------r/M-----------ada-----------m -----------Tha-----------nk -----------you----------- fo-----------r y-----------our----------- in-----------ter-----------est----------- an-----------d b-----------uyi-----------ng -----------my -----------pos-----------ted----------- so-----------lut-----------ion-----------. P-----------lea-----------se -----------pin-----------g m-----------e o-----------n c-----------hat----------- I -----------am -----------onl-----------ine----------- or----------- in-----------box----------- me----------- a -----------mes-----------sag-----------e I-----------

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