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MCS,MBA(IT), Pursuing PHD
Devry University
Sep-2004 - Aug-2010
Assistant Financial Analyst
NatSteel Holdings Pte Ltd
Aug-2007 - Jul-2017
 Read one of these books and then answer the following questions:
Book |
Author |
 |  |
A Beautiful Mind |
John Forbes Nash |
A child called Noah |
Josh Greenfeld |
A child of Sanitariums: A Memoir of Tuberculosis Survival and Lifelong Dosability |
Gloria Paris |
A difference in the family |
Helen Featherstone |
A different kind of boy: A father's memoir about raising a gifted child with autism |
D. Mount |
A Life bound up in words |
M. Jezer |
Read one of these books and then answer the following questions:
1-Journal entry prompts for blogs 
Journal entry one prompts

What are you reading? Title, author, type (novel, auto/biography)
Describe your thought process in making this selection.
Tell 3 specific differences in the way you read your selection as compared to the text chapters.
What new word have you encountered in the novel or a text chapter? What does it mean? Where did you discover the word?
[Sentence completion] When I read information on a website__________

 2-Journal entry two 
Journal entry two prompts

Briefly tell about the main characters of your reading selection.
Describe the context of the reading selection.
Contrast the pace with which you are reading your selection with the pace of reading a chapter in the text.
What is one new idea or concept you have learned from your reading selection? What is it? At what point in the reading did you encounter it (beginning, end, etc.)?
[Sentence completion] When I want to learn more about a disability, diagnosis or illness, my first resource to consult is_________________.

 3-Journal entry three 

Describe a connection that links textbook information or class topics with what you are reading.
Pick out a phrase or sentence from your selection and quote it here with page number. Now write a question you might ask for a class or group discussion that uses the quote.
What is one question you would like to ask a main character in the selection? Why?
Tell one word or phrase that showed up in your reading that puzzles you.
[Sentence completion] When I think about reading the next chapter in the text _________ .

      4-Journal entry four 

Give two specific examples of action, conversation, or other evidence from your reading related to the person’s disability or chronic illness.
Compare how you are reading your selection with how you are reading the textbook for class by finding at least one specific similarity and one specific difference.
Tell a word or phrase related to topic content from the textbook that has shown up in your reading selection.
What is something about the disability or chronic illness from your selection which you need to seek further information to fully understand? Where will you (or did you) go to get this information?
[Sentence completion] Reading my selection motivates me to ________________________ .

5-Journal entry five 

Compare your feelings at the start of the semester with regards to reading a book to your feelings now that you have finished reading it. 
Explain three assumptions that the author of your selection conveys which are not explicitly stated or written.
If you were discussion leader for a book group reading your selection, tell two questions you would use to generate some discussion with particular focus on the disability or chronic illness in the reading.
Through information from class discussion, text, and other materials discuss some concrete ways that your views on the topic of reading selection have changed?
[Sentence completion] My favorite part of the book was ______________________ .
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