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  • MBA.Graduate Psychology,PHD in HRM
    Feb-1999 - Mar-2006

  • MBA.Graduate Psychology,PHD in HRM
    Strayer,Phoniex,University of California
    Feb-1999 - Mar-2006


  • PR Manager
    Apr-2003 - Apr-2007

Category > English Posted 29 Nov 2017 My Price 8.00

academic career

1) Read Chapter 9 in your textbook CriTcal ±hinking. 250 words 2) Chapter 9 discussion board. Afer reading chapter 9, rate yourselF as a student by answering the Following quesTons: 1. ±hink about your academic career thus Far. What skill level as a student do you most closely resemble and why? 2. Using speci²c examples From coursework you've completed at BCC (or another college), support the skill level you chose in quesTon 1 with evidence. ³or example, iF you say that you're a mixed-quality student, you could give an equal number oF examples oF wri´en work that are clear as well as unclear. 3. ±hink oF some oF the skills discussed in chapter 9. Which oF those concepts could you implement into your habits to help you improve as a student? ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I believe that my level oF skill as a student closely resemble as grade B because I always analyze quesTon and problems beFore answering. I sTll give importance on my academic. I always study and try to understand every quesTon teacher give. When there is an exam, I study and hard and so Far, all my grade is good. My goal is to have grade A in all my subject that’s I need double my study habit to that I will achieve at the oF the semester. I can tell that I perFormed well on my course because I can demonstrate and implement problem-solving in my assignment. I always show commitment to all my subjects. I am devoted to my studies and ²nish my task beFore the deadline, and every Tme I don’t understand I always seek help. Whenever I get not good comments From the teacher about my works, I take that as a challenge so that I can do more be´er on my next homework. I believe that the ideas could help me to improve as a student is raising important quesTon every Tme I don’t understand. I need to idenTFy relevant compeTng points oF view. I need to be moTvated and persistence in every course I am taking. My aim to have a grade A in all my subjects. I need to think and recognize all the ideas on how to get an excellent grade.

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Status NEW Posted 29 Nov 2017 12:11 PM My Price 8.00

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