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Unix Fundamentals CS126 Individual Project 4. Please see attached PDF for assignment details. I would need assignment completed by 9/12/16. Please let me know desired compensation.
10:32 AM (CDT)Unit 4 - Individual ProjectAssignment DetailsAssignment DescriptionWeekly tasks or assignments (Individual or Group Projects) will be due by Monday, and late submissions will be assigned a late penalty in accordance with the late penaltypolicy found in the syllabus. NOTE: All submission posting times are based on midnight Central Time.The project team is ready to create the directory structure for the Web site. You are tasked with creating the directories and implementing the security mechanism. For thisassignment, you need to create the following directory structure and permissions:Ensure that you are starting in your individual Home directory:+- apache/||- bin/||- conf/||- lib/|+- w/|| - html/|| - cgi-bin/|| - ftp/The following file permission should be enabled for the directories:The owner can read, write and execute All.The group can read and execute All Directories.Everyone else can only read and execute the files in Apache only (and no permissions in www).Change the www/ftp directory to allow the User and group to read, write, and execute, but everyone else to only write to the directory.In addition, create the following empty files and set the following file permissions:apache/bin/htpd - 75w/html/index.html - 64w/cgi-bin/proces.pl - 71Finally, create a file called apache/conf/httpd.conf, and add the following lines to the file:## This is the main Apache HTP server configuration file. It contains the# configuration directives that give the server its instructions.# Do not ad a slash at the end of the directory path.#ServerRot "/usr"## DocumentRot: The directory out of which you wil serve your documents.#DocumentRot "/Library/WebServer/Documents"Save the file and exit the editor. Set the file permission for this file to be: 664.Show the command used to show content of the file and the content of the file.Using the grep command, write comment to find the line containing the word(s) ServerRoot and DocumentRoot in the httpd.conf file.Write a sed command that will change the ServerRoot value from /usr to the absolute directory patch for your apache directory.Assignment OverviewType:Individual ProjectUnit:Interesting CommandsDue Date:Mon, 9/12/16Grading Type:NumericPoints Possible:150Points Earned:0Deliverable Length:See assignment detailsGo To:Assignment DetailsScenarioLearning MaterialsReading AssignmentMy Work:Online Deliverables:Submissions