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Category > History Posted 26 Jun 2019 My Price 19.00

HIS 104 All Weeks Quizzes

HIS 104 Week 2 Quiz 1

What was the location of the largest mound-building culture in early North America?







From where did the first migrants to North America originate?






South America

How did the first people to migrate to North America reach it?


by crossing the North Pole from the north


by crossing the Bering Strait from the west


by crossing the Hudson Strait from the east

In 1492, the Spanish forced these two religious groups to either convert or leave.


Jews and Muslims


Christians and Jews


Protestants and Muslims

_______ became wealthy trading with the East.







Which of the following does not describe a form of slavery traditionally practiced in Africa?


a system in which those in need of supplies or protection give themselves in servitude


a system in which people are treated as chattel: that is, as personal property to be bought and sold


a system in which people are enslaved permanently on account of their race

The city of ________ became a leading center for Muslim scholarship and trade.







Why were West Africans preferred over the native people of the Americas for enslaved labor?


They were better accustomed to sharp changes in climate.


They were not as likely to start revolts against the slaveholders.


They were able to resist diseases that had affected the native peoples.

Before 1492, Africa's relationship with the rest of the world can be described as:


Very insular, with little contact


Limited to interaction with Europe


Had a great deal of contact with other continents

True of False: Before the Europeans arrived, slavery was non-existent in Africa.






HIS 104 Week 3 Quiz 2

On which modern-day location did Christopher Columbus's fleet first land in the New World?


the Bahamas


the Yucatan Peninsula


the Dominican Republic

Where did Christopher Columbus first land?




the Bahamas



Which country established the first colonies in the Americas?







Which country initiated the era of Atlantic exploration?







What was the chief goal of the Puritans?


to achieve a lasting peace with the Catholic nations of Spain and France


to eliminate any traces of Catholicism from the Church of England


to assist Henry VIII in his quest for an annulment to his marriage

Where did the Protestant Reformation begin


Northern Europe





Which of the following most drove the governments of European nation states in colonizing the Americas?


economic opportunities


competition with each other


political and religious liberty

Why did diseases like smallpox affect Indians so badly?


Indians were less robust than Europeans.


Europeans deliberately infected Indians.


Indians had no immunity to European diseases.

Which of the following best describes the Columbian Exchange?


the letters Columbus and other conquistadors exchanged with the Spanish crown


an exchange of plants, animals, and diseases between Europe and the Americas


a form of trade between the Spanish and natives

How could Spaniards obtain encomiendas?


by serving the Spanish crown


by buying them from other Spaniards


by buying them from native chiefs

What was the main goal of the French in colonizing the Americas?


establishing a colony with French subjects


trading, especially for furs


gaining control of shipping lanes


HIS 104 Week 4 Quiz 3

Which explorer initiated the Spanish charting of the Southeastern region?


Francisco de Coronado


Ponce de Leon


Hernando de Soto

Why did the Spanish build Castillo de San Marcos?


to protect the local Timucua


to defend against imperial challengers


as a seat for visiting Spanish royalty

Which of the following was a goal of the Spanish in their destruction of Fort Caroline?


establishing a foothold from which to battle the Timucua


claiming a safe place to house the New World treasures that would be shipped back to Spain


reducing the threat of French privateers

How did the Spanish colonists react to the Pueblo Revolt in New Mexico?


by leaving New Mexico and founding another colony further west


by bringing soldiers from Spain and attacking the Pueblos' villages


by retreating south only to reconquer the Pueblo years later.

Which religious order joined the French settlement in Canada and tried to convert the natives to Christianity?







What was patroonship?


a Dutch ship used for transporting beaver furs


a Dutch system of patronage that encouraged the arts


a Dutch system of granting tracts of land in New Netherland to encourage colonization

What was the first permanent French colony in the Americas?




Nova Scotia



The founders of the Plymouth colony were:







What was the primary cause of Bacon's Rebellion?


former indentured servants wanted more opportunities to expand their territory


African slaves wanted better treatment


Susquahannock Indians wanted the Jamestown settlers to pay a fair price for their land

What was the most lucrative product of the Chesapeake colonies?






gold and silver


HIS 104 Week 6 Quiz 4

What was a major concern for the group known as the Anti-Federalists?


That a federal government would take away states' rights


That the new nation would be unable to confront foreign threats


That all Americans would not be able to exercise their rights equally

What was a major concern for the group known as the Federalists?


That a federal government would take away states' rights


That the new nation would be unable to confront foreign threats


That all Americans would not be able to exercise their rights equally

What was the primary complaint of the rebels in the Whiskey Rebellion?


the ban on alcohol


the lack of political representation for farmers


the tax on whiskey and rum

Why was the presidential election of 1800 particularly important?


It was the first election to be contested.


It marked the end of Federalist influence.


It showed the weaknesses of the Electoral College.

Which War of 1812 battle was the most decisive in asserting American dominance over the British in the Old Northwest?


Fort Meigs


Lake Erie



Robert Fulton is known for inventing ________.


the cotton gin


the mechanical reaper


the steamship engine

Which of the following was not a cause of the Panic of 1819?


The Second Bank of the United States made risky loans.


States chartered too many banks.


Banks hoarded gold and silver.

Most people who migrated within the United States in the early nineteenth century went ________.


north toward Canada


west toward Ohio


south toward Georgia

Which social class was most drawn to amusements like P. T. Barnum's museum?


wage workers


middle-class northerners


southern planter elites

Which of the following groups supported the abolition of slavery?


northern business elites


southern planter elites


middle-class northerners

What was the lasting impact of the Bucktail Republican Party in New York?


They implemented universal suffrage.


They changed state election laws from an appointee system to a system of open elections.


They elevated Martin Van Buren to the national political stage.

How did President Jackson respond to Congress's re-chartering of the Second Bank of the United States?


He vetoed it.


He gave states the right to implement it or not.


He signed it into law.

The Indian Removal Act of 1830 forced most members of the Cherokee nation to relocate to which current U.S. state?







The U.S. Supreme Court case Worcester v. Georgia established which of the following rulings?


only the federal government could negotiate with Native American nations


U.S. states could overrule federal decisions concerning Native American nations


U.S. states held legal authority over Native American nations within their borders

Which of the following did not characterize political changes in the 1830s?


higher voter participation


increasing political power of free black voters


stronger partisan ties

As a result of the Adams-Onis Treaty, the United States gained which territory from Spain?




New Mexico



The Missouri Compromise led to the formation of Missouri as a slave state as well as the formation of which new U.S. state as a free state?







Which best describes how Mexican leaders reacted when large numbers of Americans settled in Texas in the 1820s and 1830s?


They tried to prevent American settlers from influencing Texas' Mexican culture.


They feared American settlers would engage the U.S. government in an outside invasion.


They expected American settlers to become loyal Mexican subjects and productive citizens.

Which of the following was not a reason the United States was reluctant to annex Texas?


The United States did not want to fight a war with Mexico.


Annexing Texas would add more slave territory to the United States and anger abolitionists.


Texans considered U.S. citizens inferior and did not want to be part of their country.

The Wilmot Proviso concerned the legality of slavery in which of the following?


in territories acquired from Mexico


in areas affected by the Land Act of 1820


in free states that slaves might try escaping to


HIS 104 Week 7 Quiz 5

Southern whites frequently relied upon the idea of paternalism, which is the premise that:


Fathers should run the homes


slaveholders acted in the best interest of the enslaved


Enslaved men should have children to create more enslaved people

Which of the following was not one of the effects of the cotton boom?


U.S. trade increased with France and Spain.


Northern manufacturing expanded.


The need for slave labor grew.

Under the law in the antebellum South, slaves were ________.







The first temperance laws were enacted by ________.


state governments


local governments


the federal government

In the context of the antebellum era, what does colonization refer to?


Great Britain's colonization of North America


the relocation of African Americans to Africa


American colonization of the Caribbean

How did Charles G. Finney's brand of Christian revivalism differ from those of previous Evangelical leaders?


He advocated withdrawal from society in favor of communalism.


He believed Christianity needed to be purged of its worldly nature.


He stressed the control that humans have over their own destinies.

Which of the following was a provision of the Compromise of 1850?


New Mexico and Utah would be admitted as slave states.


Slavery would no longer be allowed in the District of Columbia.


Free states would be forced to return slaves who escaped to those states.

What was President Zachary Taylor's top priority as president?


preserving the Union


ensuring the recapture of runaway slaves


expanding slavery

Which of the following was a focus of the new Republican Party?


supporting Irish Catholic immigration


encouraging the use of popular sovereignty to determine where slavery could exist


halting the spread of slavery

On what grounds did Dred Scott sue for freedom?


the inherent inhumanity of slavery


the cruelty of his master


the fact that he had lived in free states


HIS 104 Week 8 Quiz 6

As a result of the Adams-Onis Treaty, the United States gained which territory from Spain?




New Mexico



Slavery's legitimacy first became a major political issue to whites in the United States following which event?


the Louisiana Purchase


the Missouri Compromise


the Northwest Ordinance of 1787

Which best describes how Mexican leaders reacted when large numbers of Americans settled in Texas in the 1820s and 1830s?


They tried to prevent American settlers from influencing Texas' Mexican culture.


They feared American settlers would engage the U.S. government in an outside invasion.


They expected American settlers to become loyal Mexican subjects and productive citizens.

Which of the following was not a reason the United States was reluctant to annex Texas?


The United States did not want to fight a war with Mexico.


Annexing Texas would add more slave territory to the United States and anger abolitionists.


Texans considered U.S. citizens inferior and did not want to be part of their country.

The Wilmot Proviso concerned the legality of slavery in which of the following?


in territories acquired from Mexico


in areas affected by the Land Act of 1820


in free states that slaves might try escaping to

Which of the following was an important aspect of the narrative around Manifest Destiny?


Settlers felt that God had given them the right to the land, and any action in taking it could thus be justified.


The French saw expansion as essential to creating a strong nation to beat the British in possible future wars.


Collaboration and Cooperation with Native Americans should be encouraged even at the expense of economic opportunities.

Which statement best describes the concept of Manifest Destiny as it was understood in the nineteenth century?


Americans had a divine obligation to spread their culture westward.


Americans had a divine right to possess the world's greatest empire.


Americans had a divine duty to distinguish themselves from Europe.

Why did settlers to the west find it necessary to ask the government for economic assistance?


They were met with worse weather and less rainfall than they had been led to expect.


Most of the crops they grew yielded lower prices than they had cost the farmers to grow.


Native Americans who disputed their ownership of the land had destroyed many of their farms.

How did the development of railroads impact the cattle industry?


It fostered competition between ranchers and farmers.


It opened a large market for beef throughout the country.


It disturbed the grazing lands traditionally used by ranchers.

What was the cause of the legal conflicts that arose between Mexican and European-American landowners in the late 1880s?


disputes concerning how the land should be used


disputes concerning white settlers taking land that belonged to Mexican owners


disputes concerning how to deal with the native peoples


HIS 104 Week 11 Quiz 7

Which slave state remained in the Union during the U.S. Civil War?







Which Confederate state was the first to secede from the Union?






South Carolina

Which statement best describes one advantage the Confederacy had over the Union in the U.S. Civil War?


The Confederacy's soldiers were better equipped for battle.


The Confederacy's soldiers had more experience and better training.


The Confederacy's soldiers were able to fight a defensive war, rather than an offensive one.

Which Confederate states were generally the last to secede?


those bordering the Union states


those closest to the Atlantic Ocean


those with small slave populations

Which of the following was a significant difference between the Union and Confederate armies?


The Union army had far more soldiers than the Confederate army.


The Union army had far more accessible resources than the Confederate army.


The Union army had far more experienced generals than the Confederate army.

Why did many northerners consider conscription to be unfair during the U.S. Civil War?


It favored those who lived further from the Confederate border.


It forced all men to join the draft regardless of their age or health.


It allowed wealthier draftees to hire substitutes and avoid fighting.

Which woman was noted for supervising army nurses during the U.S. Civil War?


Dorothea Dix


Rose O'Neal Greenhow


Florence Nightingale

Why was t President Lincoln's suspension of habeas corpus brought into question?


It gave the federal government undue power over the states.


It allowed people to be jailed without being charged before a judge.


It ignored the will of Congress in approving funds for military expenditures.

Which of the following sparked the New York City riots of July 1863?






food shortages

Which statement best describes Abraham Lincoln's Emancipation Proclamation?


It freed all slaves in the Confederate states.


It freed all slaves in Union states that allowed slavery.


It made slavery illegal throughout the Union and Confederacy.




Status NEW Posted 26 Jun 2019 04:06 PM My Price 19.00

HIS----------- 10-----------4 A-----------ll -----------Wee-----------ks -----------Qui-----------zze-----------s-----------


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