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Category > Computer Science Posted 09 Jul 2019 My Price 100.00

IT 331 Seminar Assignments

IT 331 Unit 1 Seminar Assignment

Attending live Seminars is important to your academic success, and attendance is highly recommended. The Seminar allows you to review the important concepts presented in each unit, discuss work issues in your lives that pertain to these concepts, ask your instructor questions, and allow you to come together in real time with your fellow classmates. There will be a graded Seminar in Units 1 through 9 in this course. You must either attend the live Seminar or you must complete the Seminar alternative assignment in order to earn points for this part of the class.

Option 1: Attend Seminar:

In this introductory Seminar session, the course Syllabus and course requirements will be discussed. Please review the Syllabus before the Seminar session.

You may want to come early to your first Seminar session to test your system to make sure that it works so that you are not late for your first session.

Option 2: Alternative Assignment:

You will benefit most from attending the graded Seminar as an active participant. However, if you are unable to attend you have the opportunity to make up the points by completing the alternative assignment.

Review the Seminar recording for this unit and write 1 full page (double spaced) discussing one of the topics or issues found within them.

Your paper should be in APA format and cite all references used.

IT 331 Unit 2 Seminar Assignment

Attending live Seminars is important to your academic success, and attendance is highly recommended. The Seminar allows you to review the important concepts presented in each unit, discuss work issues in your lives that pertain to these concepts, ask your instructor questions, and allow you to come together in real time with your fellow classmates. There will be a graded Seminar in Units 1 through 9 in this course. You must either attend the live Seminar or you must complete the alternative assignment in order to earn points for this part of the class.

Option 1: Attend Seminar:

During the Seminar you will explore what is meant by technology infrastructure, and the ways in which technology contributes to business operations and communication. You will discuss network connections and convergence, plus the rules that provide the structure for all communication. You will review the building blocks of communication: data and signals, along with the data codes that enable data to be converted to ones and zeros and back again.

To prepare for the Seminar, complete the reading, and look at the types of networks you may use on a daily basis in your work, home, or community environments. Be prepared to discuss the different types of networks; the OSI and Internet models; and analog and digital signals.

The Seminar session is your opportunity to ask any questions or clarify material that has been presented in this week’s learning outcomes or Readings. If you have specific questions or topics you would like to be addressed in the Seminar session, contact your instructor.

Option 2: Alternative Assignment:

You will benefit most from attending the graded Seminar as an active participant. However, if you are unable to attend you have the opportunity to make up the points by completing the alternative assignment.

Review the Seminar recording for this unit and write 1 full page (double-spaced) discussing one of the topics or issues found within them.

Your paper should be in APA format and cite all references used.

IT 331 Unit 3 Seminar Assignment

Attending live Seminars is important to your academic success, and attendance is highly recommended. The Seminar allows you to review the important concepts presented in each unit, discuss work issues in your lives that pertain to these concepts, ask your instructor questions, and allow you to come together in real time with your fellow classmates. There will be a graded Seminar in Units 1 through 9 in this course. You must either attend the live Seminar or you must complete the alternative assignment in order to earn points for this part of the class.

Option 1: Attend Seminar:

The Seminar addresses transmission media used in data communications. To prepare for the Seminar, complete the assigned Readings and the Web Readings. Be prepared to discuss criteria for media selection and how they are used to select the appropriate transmission media for different applications within the enterprise, the different types of cables used in wired connections, and the characteristics of various wireless transmission media.

The Seminar session is your opportunity to ask any questions or clarify material that has been presented in this week’s learning outcomes or Readings. If you have specific questions or topics you would like to be addressed in the Seminar session, please email your instructor prior to the day of your chat.

Option 2: Alternative Assignment:

You will benefit most from attending the graded Seminar as an active participant. However, if you are unable to attend you have the opportunity to make up the points by completing the alternative assignment.

Review the Seminar recording for this unit and write 1 full page (double spaced) discussing one of the topics or issues found within them.

Your paper should be in APA format and cite all references used.

IT 331 Unit 4 Seminar Assignment

Attending live Seminars is important to your academic success, and attendance is highly recommended. The Seminar allows you to review the important concepts presented in each unit, discuss work issues in your lives that pertain to these concepts, ask your instructor questions, and allow you to come together in real time with your fellow classmates. There will be a graded Seminar in Units 1 through 9 in this course. You must either attend the live Seminar or you must complete the alternative assignment in order to earn points for this part of the class.

Option 1: Attend Seminar:

To prepare for the Seminar, complete the assigned Readings and the Web Readings. Be prepared to explain the characteristics and uses of different forms of multiplexing, the appropriate type of multiplexing for a given business need. Also, be prepared to discuss sources of communications errors and error-prevention techniques.

The Seminar session is your opportunity to ask any questions or clarify material that has been presented in this week’s learning outcomes or Readings. If you have specific questions or topics you would like to be addressed in the Seminar session, please email your instructor prior to the day of your chat.

Option 2: Alternative Assignment:

You will benefit most from attending the graded Seminar as an active participant. However, if you are unable to attend you have the opportunity to make up the points by completing the alternative assignment.

Review the Seminar recording for this unit and write 1 full page (double spaced) discussing one of the topics or issues found within them.

Your paper should be in APA format and cite all references used.

IT 331 Unit 5 Seminar Assignment

Attending live Seminars is important to your academic success, and attendance is highly recommended. The Seminar allows you to review the important concepts presented in each unit, discuss work issues in your lives that pertain to these concepts, ask your instructor questions, and allow you to come together in real time with your fellow classmates. There will be a graded Seminar in Units 1 through 9 in this course. You must either attend the live Seminar or you must complete the alternative assignment in order to earn points for this part of the class.

Option 1: Attend Seminar:

The Seminar looks at local area networks from both an historical and a theoretical perspective. To prepare for the Seminar, complete the assigned Readings and the Web Readings. Be prepared to discuss the primary functions and activities of local area networks, types of environments where LANs can be used effectively, and LAN topologies and protocols.

The Seminar session is your opportunity to ask any questions or clarify material that has been presented in this week’s learning outcomes or Readings. If you have specific questions or topics you would like to be addressed in the Seminar session, please email your instructor prior to the day of your chat.

Option 2: Alternative Assignment:

You will benefit most from attending the graded Seminar as an active participant. However, if you are unable to attend you have the opportunity to make up the points by completing the alternative assignment. .

Review the Seminar recording for this unit and write 1 full page (double spaced) discussing one of the topics or issues found within them.

Your paper should be in APA format and cite all references used.

IT 331 Unit 6 Seminar Assignment

Attending live Seminars is important to your academic success, and attendance is highly recommended. The Seminar allows you to review the important concepts presented in each unit, discuss work issues in your lives that pertain to these concepts, ask your instructor questions, and allow you to come together in real time with your fellow classmates. There will be a graded Seminar in Units 1 through 9 in this course. You must either attend the live Seminar or you must complete the alternative assignment in order to earn points for this part of the class.

Option 1: Attend Seminar:

The Seminar focuses on the primary concepts of local and metropolitan area networks. To prepare for the Seminar complete the assigned Readings and the Web Readings. Be prepared to discuss the functions and features of network servers, network operating systems, and the different types of equipment used to connect network devices as well as reasons for connecting LANs together.

The Seminar session is your opportunity to ask any questions or clarify material that has been presented in this week’s learning outcomes or Readings. If you have specific questions or topics you would like to be addressed in the Seminar session, please email your instructor prior to the day of your chat.

Option 2: Alternative Assignment:

You will benefit most from attending the graded Seminar as an active participant. However, if you are unable to attend you have the opportunity to make up the points by completing the alternative assignment.

Review the Seminar recording for this unit and write 1 full page (double spaced) discussing one of the topics or issues found within them.

Your paper should be in APA format and cite all references used.

IT 331 Unit 7 Seminar Assignment

Attending live Seminars is important to your academic success, and attendance is highly recommended. The Seminar allows you to review the important concepts presented in each unit, discuss work issues in your lives that pertain to these concepts, ask your instructor questions, and allow you to come together in real time with your fellow classmates. There will be a graded Seminar in Units 1 through 9 in this course. You must either attend the live Seminar or you must complete the alternative assignment in order to earn points for this part of the class.

Option 1: Attend Seminar:

To prepare for the Seminar complete the assigned Readings and the Web Readings. Be prepared to discuss the linking of local area networks to metropolitan area and wide area networks and the different protocols used on the Internet.

The Seminar session is your opportunity to ask any questions or clarify material that has been presented in this week’s learning outcomes or Readings. If you have specific questions or topics you would like to be addressed in the Seminar session, please email your instructor prior to the day of your chat.

Option 2: Alternative Assignment:

You will benefit most from attending the graded Seminar as an active participant. However, if you are unable to attend you have the opportunity to make up the points by completing the alternative assignment.

Review the Seminar recording for this unit and write 1 full page (double spaced) discussing one of the topics or issues found within them.

Your paper should be in APA format and cite all references used.

IT 331 Unit 8 Seminar Assignment

Attending live Seminars is important to your academic success, and attendance is highly recommended. The Seminar allows you to review the important concepts presented in each unit, discuss work issues in your lives that pertain to these concepts, ask your instructor questions, and allow you to come together in real time with your fellow classmates. There will be a graded Seminar in Units 1 through 9 in this course. You must either attend the live Seminar or you must complete the alternative assignment in order to earn points for this part of the class.

Option 1: Attend Seminar:

The Seminar session will focus on telephone systems and issues around the various types of available telephone services and the merger of data and voice communications. To prepare for the unit complete the assigned Reading and the Web Readings. Be prepared to describe the basic components of a telephone system, discuss various telephone services such as DSL, Frame Relay, ATM, and CTI, and discuss the concepts underlying computer telephony integration.

The Seminar session is your opportunity to ask any questions or clarify material that has been presented in this week’s learning outcomes or Readings. If you have specific questions or topics you would like to be addressed in the Seminar session, please email your instructor prior to the day of your chat.

Option 2: Alternative Assignment:

You will benefit most from attending the graded Seminar as an active participant. However, if you are unable to attend you have the opportunity to make up the points by completing the alternative assignment.

Review the Seminar recording for this unit and write 1 full page (double spaced) discussing one of the topics or issues found within them.

Your paper should be in APA format and cite all references used.

IT 331 Unit 9 Seminar Assignment

Attending live Seminars is important to your academic success, and attendance is highly recommended. The Seminar allows you to review the important concepts presented in each unit, discuss work issues in your lives that pertain to these concepts, ask your instructor questions, and allow you to come together in real time with your fellow classmates. There will be a graded Seminar in Units 1 through 9 in this course. You must either attend the live Seminar or you must complete the alternative assignment in order to earn points for this part of the class.

Option 1: Attend Seminar:

The Seminar will discuss issues of security in data communications. Prepare for the Seminar by completing the assigned Readings and the Web Readings. Be prepared to discuss the need for a security policy; viruses and worms; denial of service attacks; and the various security measures an administrator can incorporate to safeguard the organization’s data.

The Seminar session is your opportunity to ask any questions or clarify material that has been presented in this week’s learning outcomes or Readings. If you have specific questions or topics you would like to be addressed in the Seminar session, please email your instructor prior to the day of your chat.

Option 2: Alternative Assignment:

You will benefit most from attending the graded Seminar as an active participant. However, if you are unable to attend you have the opportunity to make up the points by completing the alternative assignment.

Review the Seminar recording for this unit and write 1 full page (double spaced) discussing one of the topics or issues found within them.

Your paper should be in APA format and cite all references used.




Status NEW Posted 09 Jul 2019 12:07 PM My Price 100.00

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