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Category > History Posted 07 May 2020 My Price 15.00

HIS 104 U.S. History I Unit 1 Challenges Sophia Course

HIS 104 U.S. History I Unit 1 Challenges Sophia Course

Challenge 1

Which of the following statements is true?

·        a.)

History is not a fixed concept: Ideas about how to write history change as the world changes.

·        b.)

Objectivity is not the goal of the historian because his or her own perspective is vital to the narrative.

·        c.)

Historians inspect, but do not interpret, evidence from the past to create narratives of past events.

·        d.)

History is separate from the social, cultural and intellectual environments in which it is written.

Which of the following statements is true?

·        a.)

The writing of history is influenced by the cultural environment in which it is written.

·        b.)

History is best determined through the lenses of politics and economics.

·        c.)

Historians have a responsibility to merge their own experiences into historical narratives.

·        d.)

Historical interpretations of past events rarely change over time.

Which of the following statements is true?

·        a.)

Memorization of dates and events is a good exercise in school, but it isn't important for historians.

·        b.)

Providing context and observing change over time is essential to the historical process.

·        c.)

History is a written record of the past, encountered only in an academic setting.

·        d.)

A historian attempts simply to compile facts about the past and record them accurately.

Consider the following research question and choose the primary source that is best suited to answer it.

"What were the long-term consequences of Japanese internment camps in the United States during World War II?"

·        a.)

A documentary about World War II produced by a historian

·        b.)

A national newscast from 1942

·        c.)

An interview in 2001 with a Japanese American who was confined to a camp

·        d.)

A high school history textbook published in 1990

Consider the following research question and choose the secondary source that is best suited to answer it.

"What were the effects of the women’s suffrage movement in the United States?"

·        a.)

An interview with a woman who recently protested at a Women's March

·        b.)

A newsreel from 1920 showing women voting for the first time

·        c.)

A book written by a historian in 2016 on women in American politics

·        d.)

A website that advocates for voting reform

As part of his research on the Civil War, Charlie is reading a book about ironclads (a type of boat) and how they revolutionized naval warfare.

Which of the following is most likely a lens he is exploring?

·        a.)


·        b.)


·        c.)


·        d.)


As part of his research on the Salem Witch Trials, Aaron reads a book about Puritan morality and beliefs and how they influenced social norms in the 17th century.

Which of the following is most likely a lens he is exploring?

·        a.)


·        b.)


·        c.)


·        d.)


As part of her research on the American Revolution, Bea reads a book about forms of public protest in the 18th century colonies.

Which of the following is most likely a lens she is exploring?

·        a.)


·        b.)


·        c.)


·        d.)


Which native civilization lived in permanent settlements made up of apartment-like complexes of stone and mud?

·        a.)

The Hopewell

·        b.)

The Pueblo

·        c.)

The Aztec

·        d.)

The Olmec

Which native civilization left behind large heads carved in stone?

·        a.)

The Aztec

·        b.)

The Pueblo

·        c.)

The Olmec

·        d.)

The Inca

Which native civilization constructed a vast system of roads that stepped up and down mountains?

·        a.)

The Inca

·        b.)

The Aztec

·        c.)

The Olmec

·        d.)

The Maya

Which of the following historians is collecting oral history?

·        a.)

Hector analyzes one of the first maps made by European explorers.

·        b.)

Hope attempts to translate symbols on a pot that she believes were a form of writing.

·        c.)

Hajit makes detailed drawings of prehistoric images found on boulders in Minnesota.

·        d.)

Helen interviews contemporary Native Americans about their cultural traditions.

Which of the following historians is collecting archaeological evidence?

·        a.)

Irving interviews a historian who has written several books about Native American culture.

·        b.)

Ian carefully analyzes pieces of cloth found in ancient burial sites near the Mississippi River.

·        c.)

Ingrid reads reports sent back to the Spanish monarch about the people of the New World.

·        d.)

Iris reads a book about tools and weapons used by Native Americans prior to 1492.

Which of the following historians is analyzing the European perspective of history?

·        a.)

Jessie reads a book about forms of government found in modern Native American tribes.

·        b.)

Julianna researches negative reactions to the mistreatment of Native Americans among Spanish civilians.

·        c.)

Jordan interviews a French archaeologist who excavates ruins in modern day Peru and Ecuador.

·        d.)

Jeremy asks a historian why European diseases were so devastating in America, but American diseases didn't spread to Europe.

Challenge 2

Which of the following motives played the biggest role in the European discovery of the New World?

·        a.)

Proving the earth to be round

·        b.)

Looking for previously undiscovered lands

·        c.)

Seeking new trade routes with Asia

·        d.)

Spreading Christianity to indigenous populations

Which of the following events led to increased maritime exploration in the 15th century?

·        a.)

The invention of the printing press

·        b.)

The Crusades of the 11th, 12th and 13th centuries

·        c.)

Discoveries by the Vikings

·        d.)

Competition between Catholics and Protestants

Which of these hypotheses was Christopher Columbus intending to prove by sailing westward in 1492?

·        a.)

It is unlikely that the ocean to the west is as empty as we've supposed it to be. There are probably countless lands to be discovered and claimed.

·        b.)

The recent invention of the caravel allows us to sail great distances in a much shorter time. A westward trip to Asia was too long before, but it is possible now.

·        c.)

The earth is not as large as we've supposed it to be. This means that the westward voyage to Asia is not as long as we thought and is therefore possible to undertake.

·        d.)

The earth is not flat like we've supposed, but round. This means that, instead of having to go over land to the east, we can also reach Asia by sailing west.

After the New World was discovered, major European empires like the Spanish, English, French and Portuguese competed for control of the new lands, despite the presence of indigenous peoples.

Which of the following concepts does this statement best exemplify?

·        a.)


·        b.)


·        c.)


European traders discovered that they could sell chocolate from the New World back home in Europe.

Which of the following concepts does this statement best exemplify?

·        a.)


·        b.)


·        c.)


The Crusades led to an increased exchange of goods between Europe and Asia. This sparked an age of exploration and ultimately resulted in the discovery of the New World.

Which of the following concepts does this statement best exemplify?

·        a.)


·        b.)


·        c.)


Which of the following statements is true about slavery prior to the Atlantic slave trade?

·        a.)

Slaves were almost always considered to be the property of their masters.

·        b.)

A person's religion had no impact on whether he or she could be enslaved.

·        c.)

It could involve one person bonding himself to another so as to work off a debt.

·        d.)

It was largely an issue of race, as only people with darker skin could become slaves.

Which of the following elements was characteristic of slavery in West Africa prior to the Atlantic Slave Trade?

·        a.)

Chattel slavery was common.

·        b.)

Slavery was often a life sentence.

·        c.)

Africans were targeted by Asian traders.

·        d.)

Slaves often became parts of households.

Which of the following factors contributed to the racialization of slavery in the New World?

·        a.)

Africans were willing to become slaves in exchange for food and shelter.

·        b.)

Slaves from Africa were more readily available than slaves from European nations like Ireland.

·        c.)

African nations began to outlaw slavery, so slave traders sought new markets for African slaves.

·        d.)

African workers were more docile and easily trained than workers from other places.

Which of the following factors played a significant role in the Spanish defeat of the Aztec, led by Hernán Cortés?

·        a.)

They created alliances with other natives who disliked Aztec rule.

·        b.)

The Aztec were peaceful and did not want to engage in war.

·        c.)

The Aztec were unprepared for military conflict.

·        d.)

The conquistadores far outnumbered the Aztec.

Before founding St. Augustine, the Spanish defeated nearby Fort Caroline, which had been established by settlers from which other European nation?

·        a.)


·        b.)


·        c.)


·        d.)

The Netherlands

In 1540, Francisco Vásquez de Coronado set out to find the rumored golden city of Quivira.

What came of his expedition?

·        a.)

Coronado's expedition ended prematurely after a particularly brutal winter in the Rocky Mountains.

·        b.)

Quivira was discovered near present-day Albuquerque, stripped of its wealth and ultimately abandoned.

·        c.)

Despite a two-year expedition that got as far north as modern-day Kansas, Coronado never found Quivira.

·        d.)

Quivira was found in modern-day Oklahoma, but its wealth had been greatly exaggerated in the rumors.

How did Dutch activity in the Americas differ from Spanish and French activity?

·        a.)

Dutch claims in the Americas were backed up with large numbers of settlers.

·        b.)

Dutch colonization relied on corporations like the Dutch West India Company.

·        c.)

Dutch traders only traded with other Europeans, not with the natives.

·        d.)

Dutch Catholics fled to New Netherlands in search of religious liberty.

What was a significant factor in the demise of Dutch settlements in the Americas?

·        a.)

Conflict with native peoples

·        b.)

Internal struggles back in Holland

·        c.)

Too few European settlers

·        d.)

Territorial disputes with France

Which of the following initially motivated Dutch exploration in North America?

·        a.)

Bountiful opportunities for trade with native peoples

·        b.)

Conversion of Catholic natives to Protestantism

·        c.)

The desire of national leaders to expand Holland overseas

·        d.)

Search for a northwest passage to Asia

As the colonial reach of European nations expanded, Native Americans found it harder to hunt and move freely, as they had previously done.

Which of the following factors played the biggest role in that change?

·        a.)

Europeans passed laws that restricted Native Americans to small reservations, often far away from their traditional hunting grounds.

·        b.)

Europeans claimed private ownership of large tracts of land, which they enclosed with fences and walls.

·        c.)

Europeans supplied advanced weaponry to Native Americans, which aggravated existing inter-tribal conflicts and made them afraid to encounter enemy tribes.

·        d.)

Europeans introduced economic ideas about city-living that were highly influential among Native Americans.

Interactions between Native Americans and Europeans led to the commercialization of traditional beaver-hunting practices.

Which of the following factors played the biggest role in that change?

·        a.)

Europeans were willing to give Native Americans muskets in exchange for beaver pelts.

·        b.)

Europeans introduced capitalism and ideas about success through hard work.

·        c.)

Europeans introduced the concept of private ownership of hunting lands.

·        d.)

Europeans brought new animals that made it easier to hunt for beavers.

When early Spanish explorers reached what is now the southwestern United States, they encountered a number of flourishing agricultural centers. When the French arrived a century later, they found many of those villages deserted.

Which of the following factors played the biggest role in that change?

·        a.)

Native Americans had moved east so they could trade with other European settlers for advanced tools and weaponry.

·        b.)

The reports from early explorers were vastly exaggerated; most agricultural centers had already been long abandoned.

·        c.)

Native Americans had been captured by the Spanish and relocated to Mexico as slaves under the terms of encomiendas.

·        d.)

Native Americans were wiped out by European diseases like smallpox, which had been introduced by the Spanish explorers.

Why did Henry VIII declare himself the head of the Church of England?

·        a.)

He wanted land in the Americas that had been granted to Spain by the pope.

·        b.)

He figured he could better deal with the Puritans if he had more power over the church.

·        c.)

He wanted an annulment from his wife, Catherine, because she failed to produce a male heir.

·        d.)

He believed in Luther's condemnation of the papacy and wanted to carry out his reforms.

What was an effect that the Protestant Reformation had on English colonization of the New World?

·        a.)

Religious turmoil in Europe delayed England's attempts to build an empire in the Americas.

·        b.)

England united with other Protestant nations to increase their explorations in the New World.

·        c.)

The colony of Roanoke was established for the English to launch raids on Spanish ships.

·        d.)

Queen Elizabeth vigorously supported New World exploration as a way to spread Protestantism.

Which of the following statements is characteristic of Martin Luther's position in 1517?

·        a.)

"I declare myself to be the head of the Catholic Church in my country."

·        b.)

"Reading scripture prepares people to receive God's grace if they are among the elect."

·        c.)

"The practice of selling indulgences is corrupt and has to stop."

·        d.)

"Individual monarchs have too much power."

Which country played the biggest role at the beginning of the Atlantic slave trade?

·        a.)


·        b.)


·        c.)


·        d.)


What role did European exports play in the Triangular Trade?

·        a.)

Rum was used to lure Africans into the voyage to America, where they would then be forced into slavery.

·        b.)

Guns and gunpowder from Europe were exchanged for sugar in Africa.

·        c.)

Manufactured goods were used to buy African slaves from other Africans who captured them.

·        d.)

Slaves would be brought from Europe to the Americas in exchange for textiles, rum and other goods.

Which of the following premises is an essential part of Mercantilism?

·        a.)

The world is made up of competing nations, not competing people.

·        b.)

Africans are less than human and can thus be used as commodities.

·        c.)

Nations depend on international trade to keep their economies alive.

·        d.)

Wealth can be created by man and is thus potentially infinite.

Which statement is most reflective of the Spanish attitude toward Native Americans?

·        a.)

"We were welcomed with great cordiality by the natives, with whom we exchanged gifts."

·        b.)

"Every land belongs by right to us by the decree of your own rulers."

·        c.)

"The natives do not share our values, but they are clever in other ways."

·        d.)

"If you do not submit to our authority, your destruction will be your own fault."

Which statement is most reflective of the English attitude toward Native Americans?

·        a.)

"We hope that healing and prayer will bring the natives toward a conversion to Catholicism."

·        b.)

"Although the natives have no arts and sciences, they seem capable and promising."

·        c.)

"The Pope himself has ruled that native territories belong to us."

·        d.)

"We are interested in building commercial alliances with the native people on equal terms."

Which statement is most representative of the French approach toward native peoples in the Americas?

·        a.)

"The natives will submit to the absolute authority of the Crown."

·        b.)

"Your territory belongs to us by decree of the Catholic Church."

·        c.)

"The natives, although poor, show ingenuity and will welcome friendship with a superior civilization."

·        d.)

"Gift exchanges with natives will forge alliances and establish trade relationships."

Challenge 3

"A business arrangement in which investors financed colonies with the expectation of profits."

Which of the following concepts is being described?

·        a.)

Joint-stock company

·        b.)

Mayflower Compact

·        c.)

West Indies Company

·        d.)

Mercantile exchange

"Unlike other colonists, these men and women were motivated by religion and a desire to create a successful community."

Which English colony is most likely being described here?

·        a.)


·        b.)


·        c.)


·        d.)

Massachusetts Bay

"Many of the male settlers came from wealthy families in England. They were too far down the line to inherit any familiar wealth, however, so they hoped to find immediate riches in the New World without actually having to work."

Which English colony is most likely being described here?

·        a.)


·        b.)


·        c.)

Massachusetts Bay

·        d.)


Which of the following complaints was at the heart of Nathaniel Bacon's 1675-76 rebellion?

·        a.)

The Virginia governor refused to take more land from Native Americans, exacerbating class tensions.

·        b.)

Black plantation owners who had come to Virginia as indentured servants and later bought their freedom were being forced into slavery.

·        c.)

Many plantation owners were not happy about tobacco overproduction and wanted the Virginia government to stop doling out new farmland.

·        d.)

Indentured servants had too many rights and too much freedom, so plantation owners wanted the Virginia government to legalize slavery.

Immigrants from what other colony played a large role in bringing slavery to the southern colonies?

·        a.)


·        b.)


·        c.)


·        d.)


Which factor led to the implementation of the Headright System?

·        a.)

Landowners abusing the system of indentured servitude

·        b.)

Abundant land and the desire to attract more migrants

·        c.)

The racialization of slavery in the New World

·        d.)

The desire to equalize opportunity for Englishmen

Which of the following statements best describes the relationship between church and government in the northern colonies?

·        a.)

The northern colonies had no form of government, as politics was banned by Puritan Church.

·        b.)

The Puritan Church exercised a large degree of influence over the government of the northern colonies.

·        c.)

Government in the northern colonies excluded all but wealthy members of the Puritan Church.

·        d.)

The Puritan Church and the government were completely separated in all ways.

Which factor led to the creation of a maritime-based economy in the northern colonies?

·        a.)

Settlers with diverse backgrounds and tastes in the northern colonies

·        b.)

Need for slave labor in the northern colonies

·        c.)

Religious intolerance in the northern colonies

·        d.)

Agricultural surpluses that could be sold in foreign markets

Why did Roger Williams' doctrine of Soul Liberty conflict with Puritanism?

·        a.)

Soul Liberty made individual conscience a higher authority than the Puritan Church.

·        b.)

Soul Liberty valued free expression and intoxication, which were forbidden by Puritanism.

·        c.)

Soul Liberty was "not Protestant enough," as it did not account for direct revelation.

·        d.)

Soul Liberty was born of Williams' desire to reunite with the Church of England.

Which of the following societal changes occurred when New Netherlands became New York?

·        a.)

Married women could no longer use their own name to do business.

·        b.)

A system of patronage was implemented to distribute land.

·        c.)

Slavery, which had been condemned by the Dutch, was introduced.

·        d.)

Colonists of Dutch descent were forcibly exiled back to Europe.

Which of the following distinguished Pennsylvania from the other English colonies?

·        a.)

Slavery was never legalized in Pennsylvania due to the influence of the Quakers.

·        b.)

Pennsylvania's economy was based largely on livestock, as opposed to cash crops.

·        c.)

Pennsylvania was the first colony to elect a representative government.

·        d.)

Poorer immigrants fared better in Pennsylvania than in other English colonies.

Which of the following motivated King Charles II to wage war against the Dutch in the New World?

·        a.)

Challenging Dutch commercial dominance had the potential to unify powerful English factions.

·        b.)

The Dutch would not allow passage between the northern and southern colonies.

·        c.)

he was retaliating against the Dutch, who had threatened the southern colonies.

·        d.)

The Dutch were Catholic and believed England was still subject to the pope.

Which of the following was a source of tension between English colonists and Native Americans?

·        a.)

Colonists were largely ignorant of Native American customs and codes of respect

·        b.)

Colonial fur traders refused to trade with Native Americans

·        c.)

Native Americans viewed colonists as an impediment to their economic expansion

·        d.)

Colonists in New England faced a single, powerful Native American tribe

Which of the following was a source of tension between English colonists and Native Americans?

·        a.)

Native Americans tried to expand their territory into lands held by colonists.

·        b.)

Livestock belonging to colonists disrupted Native American agricultural practices.

·        c.)

Disease ravaged colonial settlements, which colonists blamed on Native Americans.

·        d.)

Native Americans sought to convert colonists to their religion.

Which of the following was a source of tension between English colonists and Native Americans?

·        a.)

The growing population in the colonies led to colonists claiming more territory.

·        b.)

Colonists viewed Native Americans as weak and easily conquerable.

·        c.)

Native Americans took pity on the colonists for their lack of preparedness.

·        d.)

Colonists were envious of Native Americans' agricultural know-how.

Consider the excerpt from Richard Frethorne's letter to his parents and the possible bias it represents.

Which of the following statements most likely identifies Frethorne's purpose in writing?

·        a.)

Frethorne's purpose was to give his parents an update and an account of his daily routine.

·        b.)

Frethorne's purpose was to expose the lies he was told about life in Jamestown.

·        c.)

Frethorne's purpose was to elicit sympathy for his circumstances from his parents.

·        d.)

Frethorne's purpose was to educate his parents on the duties and benefits of indentured servitude.

Which of the following statements most likely identifies Johnson's purpose in writing?

·        a.)

Johnson's purpose was to give investors a carefully constructed idea of how the Virginia Company operated internally.

·        b.)

Johnson's purpose was to provide an accurate description of Jamestown for future historians to study.

·        c.)

Johnson's purpose was to attract people to invest in the Virginia Company and settle in Jamestown.

·        d.)

Johnson's purpose was to instruct settlers on how to thrive in Virginia and profit from its resources.

Consider the excerpt from George Percy's "Starving Time" and the possible bias it represents.

Which of the following statements most likely identifies Percy's purpose in writing?

·        a.)

Percy's purpose was to convince Native Americans to stop attacking the Jamestown colonists.

·        b.)

Percy's purpose was to provide a personal account of his experience in the New World.

·        c.)

Percy's purpose was to encourage English officials to record the events in Virginia for future historians.

·        d.)

Percy's purpose was to attract new settlers to Jamestown to help improve living conditions.





Status NEW Posted 07 May 2020 04:05 AM My Price 15.00

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