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ECO 102 Macroeconomics Unit 4 Challenge 1 and 2 Sophia Course

ECO 102 Macroeconomics Unit 4 Challenge 1 and 2 Sophia Course

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Unit 4 Challenge 1 and 2

Challenge 1

Using the graph, which of the following statements is true?

·        a.)

Public policy should be aimed at increasing AD.

·        b.)

Level of output can be sustained indefinitely.

·        c.)

Prices will decrease until the cycle reaches equilibrium.

·        d.)

The economy could correct itself naturally through prices rising.

Using the graph, which of the following statements is true?

·        a.)

On the business cycle, this graph would be near a peak.

·        b.)

The economy is fully employed.

·        c.)

Producers are using resources faster than they're being replaced.

·        d.)

The economy is producing at a real GDP less than the LRAS.

Using the graph, which of the following statements is true?

·        a.)

The economy is producing the maximum amount possible given current resources.

·        b.)

The economy is producing at a real GDP greater than the LRAS.

·        c.)

The level of output cannot be sustained indefinitely.

·        d.)

The unemployment rates are falling.

Which of the following, regarding contractionary policy, is true?

·        a.)

Raises interest rates

·        b.)

Creates demand for goods and services through government expenditures

·        c.)

Entices banks to make loans

·        d.)

Influenced by the multiplier effect

Which of the following statements regarding expansionary monetary policy is FALSE?

·        a.)

It increases the money supply.

·        b.)

It decreases consumer willingness to purchase goods, ceteris paribus.

·        c.)

It makes AD shift to the right.

·        d.)

It encourages job creation in the economy.

Government expenditures create demand for goods and services.

This is known as __________ and will cause AD to shift to the __________.

·        a.)

contractionary fiscal policy; right

·        b.)

expansionary monetary policy; left

·        c.)

expansionary fiscal policy; right

·        d.)

contractionary monetary policy; left

During the 1970s, some economists argued that the cause of the woes of the economy were due to __________.

·        a.)

brain drain due to ineffective education and training

·        b.)

supply shock due to issues with the supply of oil

·        c.)

increase in unemployment, as women entered the labor force

·        d.)

low taxes and a government surplus that should have been spent on social programs

Which of the following is a reason why monetary policy might NOT be helpful in resolving an economic crisis?

·        a.)

Changes in interest rates can only affect unemployment, doing little to curb inflation.

·        b.)

At high levels of unemployment, expansionary policy will increase economic growth.

·        c.)

Businesses may have invested in capital based on predictions of future revenues that might not turn out to be profitable.

·        d.)

Monetary policy can sometimes affect the economy too quickly, as people respond overnight to changes in interest rates.

When the government borrows money, some economists claim it leads to __________.

·        a.)

lower interest rates

·        b.)

crowding out

·        c.)

decrease in the demand for money

·        d.)

increase in the money supply

Which of the following describes what will happen if the euro becomes weak in relation to other currency?

·        a.)

European consumers will increase their purchases of foreign products.

·        b.)

Foreign consumers will find European products more expensive.

·        c.)

Consumer behavior will not change.

·        d.)

Foreign consumers will increase their purchases of European products.

Which of the following is true regarding the relationship between international trade and AD?

·        a.)

A recession in the U.S. could lead to a reduction in imports.

·        b.)

If the U.S. economy is doing well, AD in other countries will decrease.

·        c.)

Chinese economic policies have resulted in a lower standard of living in the U.S.

·        d.)

An increase in exports will have a negative effect on AD.

Which of the following describes what will happen to international trade when the dollar is weak?

·        a.)

A decrease in the amount of goods Americans can buy abroad

·        b.)

A negative effect on GDP in the U.S.

·        c.)

A decrease in net exports for the U.S.

·        d.)

An increase in the U.S. standard of living

A trade deficit occurs when __________.

·        a.)

imports are greater than exports

·        b.)

exports are greater than imports

·        c.)

tax revenues are less than government expenditures

·        d.)

tax revenues are greater than government expenditures

China has a __________ with the United States, meaning that it exports more than it imports.

·        a.)

trade surplus

·        b.)

floating rate

·        c.)

trade deficit

·        d.)

trader barrier

The United States currently has a trade deficit with China, meaning that the ________ has a negative balance.

·        a.)

current account

·        b.)

balance of payments

·        c.)

capital account

·        d.)

trade barrier

Which of the following, relating to comparative advantage, is true?

·        a.)

It occurs when a country has a lower opportunity cost for production of a good than its trading partner.

·        b.)

It will always belong to the country with the absolute advantage in production of a good.

·        c.)

It is the best rationale for quotas and import taxes.

·        d.)

It occurs when a country's production of a good is less efficient that its trading partner's.

Which conclusions can be reached about China based on the information in the graph shown here?

·        a.)

China has a comparative advantage in the area of clothing.

·        b.)

China has an absolute advantage in the area of petroleum products.

·        c.)

China has to give up more petroleum products to produce clothing.

·        d.)

China has a comparative advantage in the area of petroleum products.

Which of the following is true regarding absolute advantage, given the information above?

·        a.)

Country A has an absolute advantage in producing clothing.

·        b.)

Country A has an absolute advantage in producing both clothing and computers.

·        c.)

Country A has an absolute advantage in producing computers.

·        d.)

Country B has an absolute advantage in producing both clothing and computers.

Which of the following represents the advantages of using trade barriers?

·        a.)

They can be useful during economic downturns.

·        b.)

They are not involved in a political process so the time to implement them is minimal.

·        c.)

They are most useful when the economy is at full employment.

·        d.)

They create greater competition among businesses.

Which statement regarding trade barriers is FALSE?

·        a.)

​Comparative advantage can favor one country over another in the production of a good.

·        b.)

Taxes and subsidies are examples of trade barriers.

·        c.)

There is much disagreement as to whether trade barriers are good or bad.

·        d.)

Most economists believe trade barriers should only be used at full employment.

Critics of trade barriers argue that trade barriers __________.

·        a.)

are only good at full employment

·        b.)

are politically too easy to remove when the economy recovers

·        c.)

help a domestic economy be more productive

·        d.)

reduce the domestic incentive for production efficiency

Which statement refers to a practice or situation that is NOT economically sustainable?

·        a.)

Producing more by using more inputs

·        b.)

Economy at less than full employment

·        c.)

New inventions increase productivity with same amount of raw material

·        d.)

Current level of output can be maintained indefinitely

Which statement regarding sustainable economic growth is true?

·        a.)

New production techniques can cause the level of sustainable output to increase.

·        b.)

Economic output is sustainable if it is caused by expansionary governmental policies.

·        c.)

Overuse of current resources without planning for future needs is sustainable.

·        d.)

Sustainable sources of growth shift the AD curve to the left.

Which statement is true regarding sustainable economic growth?

·        a.)

It does not factor in the cost of production based waste.

·        b.)

It emphasizes the importance of current consumption over future consumption.

·        c.)

It is not affected by developments in technology.

·        d.)

It considers the impact over time due to natural resource depletion.

Which of the following statements best describes the EPA economic justice initiative?

·        a.)

This is part of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change.

·        b.)

This organization has taken a more vocal position in recent years that carbon emissions must be reduced.

·        c.)

This consists of a panel of leading economists who conduct research on climate change policy.

·        d.)

This is a form of regulation intended to reduce the negative effect of externalities.

Which of the following is a nonprofit organization of economists who conduct cost/benefit analyzes on policies that address global issues?

·        a.)

Conference of Parties

·        b.)

Kyoto Protocol

·        c.)

United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change

·        d.)

Copenhagen Consensus

Which of the following legally binds its member nations to meet emissions reduction targets on a national level?

·        a.)

The Kyoto Protocol

·        b.)

The United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change

·        c.)

The Environmental Protection Agency's "Economic Justice" initiative

·        d.)

The Copenhagen Consensus

Which statement is NOT an example of corporate social responsibility?

·        a.)

Assessing all stages of the supply chain for their environmental impact

·        b.)

Creating a corporate endowment

·        c.)

Emphasizing the importance of short term profits

·        d.)

Establishing a sustainability committee at a corporation

Which of the following statements is true regarding corporate social responsibility (CSR)?

·        a.)

CSR is monitored by the United Nations.

·        b.)

Corporate governance includes volunteer time and corporate employee matching contributions.

·        c.)

CSR refers to practices that firms take to voluntarily engage in actions such as philanthropy.

·        d.)

CSR Is managed by state and federal governments.

Which of the following involves assessing all costs of production, including at a firm's production site and along the entire supply chain?

·        a.)

Socially responsible investing

·        b.)

Corporate governance

·        c.)

Environmental management

·        d.)


Challenge 2

Which of the following statements regarding economic indicators is FALSE?

·        a.)

Most indicators provide a snapshot view of the economy.

·        b.)

Stock market performance is a leading indicator.

·        c.)

Lagging indicators provides us with a look at what just happened in our economy.

·        d.)

Macroeconomic indicators are 100% accurate all of the time.

How does macroeconomic analysis utilize economic indicators?

·        a.)

Uses coincident indicators only in policy making

·        b.)

Considers leading indicators the most comprehensive

·        c.)

Looks to lagging indicators as the best source of information

·        d.)

Uses multiple indicators due to the complexity of the economy

What do economic indicators provide?

·        a.)

A view of the whole economy at a specific point in time

·        b.)

A look into specific industries only

·        c.)

The ability to predict with certainty what will happen next in the economy

·        d.)

Data that can be used for decades to come, as indicators are slow to change

Which of the following describes real GDP?

·        a.)

Is the best measure of per capita standard of living

·        b.)

Considers the nominal prices of goods/services

·        c.)

Adjusted for inflation to show growth in output

·        d.)

Shows changes in prices of goods based on inflation

GDP measures change in _________.

·        a.)

general well-being

·        b.)

economic growth

·        c.)

wealth distribution

·        d.)

standard of living

Which of the following statements regarding GDP is true?

·        a.)

GDP is a strong indicator of general population well-being.

·        b.)

GDP is not a good indicator of wealth distribution.

·        c.)

When comparing GDP from different time periods, price level is not a factor.

·        d.)

GDP counts the value of all goods and services at all stages of production.

The Producer Price Index (PPI) contains measures of all of the following EXCEPT __________.

·        a.)

intermediate goods

·        b.)

exported goods

·        c.)

final goods

·        d.)

crude goods

The CPI and PPI are measured by  __________

·        a.)

the Bureau of Labor Statistics

·        b.)

the Internal Revenue Service

·        c.)

the Congressional Budget Committee

·        d.)

a compilation of state assessments made each month

Which of the following is true regarding the Consumer Price Index (CPI)?

·        a.)

Changes monthly as consumer spending changes

·        b.)

Includes measures of intermediate goods

·        c.)

Shows the inflation rate for all goods in an economy

·        d.)

Shows the change in prices for a market basket of goods

A marginalized worker is ________.

·        a.)

one who is underemployed

·        b.)

always part of the nonfarm payroll statistic

·        c.)

one who has given up looking for work

·        d.)

considered part of the labor force

Which of the following statements about the unemployment rate is true?

·        a.)

There is no margin of error involved with the unemployment rate.

·        b.)

The unemployment rate is a leading indicator.

·        c.)

The unemployment rate is measured by the General Services Administration.

·        d.)

The unemployment rate is determined through a survey process.

The Nonfarm Payroll is __________.

·        a.)

the amount of money earned by workers outside of the farming sector

·        b.)

the labor force that is looking for work outside the farming sector

·        c.)

the number of people employed outside of the farming sector

·        d.)

the number of people unemployed outside of the farming sector

Which of the following descriptions related to retail sales is true?

·        a.)

Excludes growth of new stores in a chain and are conducted yearly

·        b.)

Includes growth of new stores in a chain and are conducted weekly

·        c.)

Includes growth of new stores in a chain and are conducted yearly

·        d.)

Excludes growth of new stores in a chain and are conducted weekly

Retail sales are measured by __________.

·        a.)

self reporting by all retail outlets with over 10 employees

·        b.)

the Bureau of Labor Statistics

·        c.)

the Census Bureau

·        d.)

self-reporting from chains of over 40 stores

Which of the following is true if retail sales are increasing?

·        a.)

One can expect interest rates to fall.

·        b.)

One can expect imports to decrease.

·        c.)

One can expect the economy to grow.

·        d.)

One can expect unemployment to increase.

Which of the following describes how consumer confidence is measured?

·        a.)

Measured in the time period between the next six and 12 months

·        b.)

Measured in the time period between the present and next six months

·        c.)

Measured in the time period between the present and next 12 months

·        d.)

Measured in the time period between the past six months and the present

Which of the following related to consumer confidence is FALSE?

·        a.)

Collected and evaluated by the Conference Board

·        b.)

A type of coincident indicator

·        c.)

Highly responsive to the influence of media and marketing

·        d.)

Measures growth in an economy by looking at how well stores perform from one year to the next

Consumer Confidence is __________.

·        a.)

immune to time lags

·        b.)

not sensitive to the media reports

·        c.)

a comprehensive indicator and good predictor of the economy

·        d.)

sensitive to marketing campaigns

What would the Gini coefficient be if one person retains all of the income in a country?

·        a.)


·        b.)


·        c.)


·        d.)


What would the Gini coefficient be if a country's income distribution is relatively equal?

·        a.)

Close to 1

·        b.)

Close to zero

·        c.)

Close to 10

·        d.)

A negative integer

Given the above graph, the Gini coefficient would be _________.

·        a.)

a negative integer

·        b.)

close to 50

·        c.)

close to zero

·        d.)

close to one

Which statements is true about GDP?

·        a.)

GDP is lower than GNP with countries that have a great deal of production happening in other nations.

·        b.)

GDP is always a good indicator of the economic health of a country.

·        c.)

GDP measures the production of a country’s citizens no matter where they are located.

·        d.)

GDP will be less than GNP for countries whose nationals do NOT produce in other countries.

Which of the following statements is true when a country's citizens' overseas production is met by domestic production by foreigners?

·        a.)

It is impossible to predict, given different tax rates in different countries.

·        b.)

GDP and GNP are fairly equal.

·        c.)

GDP is much larger than GNP.

·        d.)

GNP is much larger than GDP.

Which of the following statements is true when GDP is much lower than GNP?

·        a.)

Foreign direct investment is more significant than production abroad.

·        b.)

There may be a lot of overseas production by residents.

·        c.)

The economy is strong.

·        d.)

The economy is in a trade deficit position.

Which of the following is generally a trait of countries that are developing or underdeveloped?

·        a.)

Lower birth rate

·        b.)

Lower gender bias in employment

·        c.)

Greater life expectancy

·        d.)

Greater income disparity

If a country were to begin experiencing a higher level of poverty, which of the following might also increase?

·        a.)

Mortality rate

·        b.)

Infant live birth rate

·        c.)

Literacy rate

·        d.)

Employment rate

Which of the following is generally evidence of a country's higher standard of living?

·        a.)

Gender bias in employment increasing

·        b.)

Infant mortality increasing

·        c.)

Birth rate increasing

·        d.)

Life expectancy increasing

As women have become increasingly employed, which of the following has decreased?

·        a.)

The labor force

·        b.)

Birth rates

·        c.)

Standards of living

·        d.)

Economic development

Which of the following is often associated with an increasing employment rate of women in living wage occupations?

·        a.)

Less access to education

·        b.)

Fewer resources for children

·        c.)

Increased population growth

·        d.)

Higher standard of living for families

Which of the following is an example of how macroeconomists use data on labor force participation rates by gender?

·        a.)

It is associated with access and availability of jobs.

·        b.)

It matches the Gini coefficient.

·        c.)

It is used to calculate GDP.

·        d.)

It shows a country's level of education attainment.





Status NEW Posted 07 May 2020 04:05 AM My Price 14.00

ECO----------- 10-----------2 M-----------acr-----------oec-----------ono-----------mic-----------s U-----------nit----------- 4 -----------Cha-----------lle-----------nge----------- 1 -----------and----------- 2 -----------Sop-----------hia----------- Co-----------urs-----------e-----------


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U-----------nit----------- 4 -----------Cha-----------lle-----------nge----------- 1 -----------and----------- 2 ----------- Ch-----------all-----------eng-----------e 1----------- ----------- Us-----------ing----------- th-----------e g-----------rap-----------h, -----------whi-----------ch -----------of -----------the----------- fo-----------llo-----------win-----------g s-----------tat-----------eme-----------nts----------- is----------- tr-----------ue?----------- a-----------.) ----------- Pu-----------bli-----------c p-----------oli-----------cy -----------sho-----------uld----------- be----------- ai-----------med----------- at----------- in-----------cre-----------asi-----------ng -----------AD.----------- b-----------.) ----------- Le-----------vel----------- of----------- ou-----------tpu-----------t c-----------an -----------be -----------sus-----------tai-----------ned----------- in-----------def-----------ini-----------tel-----------y. ----------- c.-----------) -----------Pri-----------ces----------- wi-----------ll -----------dec-----------rea-----------se -----------unt-----------il -----------the----------- cy-----------cle----------- re-----------ach-----------es -----------equ-----------ili-----------bri-----------um.----------- d-----------.) ----------- Th-----------e e-----------con-----------omy----------- co-----------uld----------- co-----------rre-----------ct -----------its-----------elf----------- na-----------tur-----------all-----------y t-----------hro-----------ugh----------- pr-----------ice-----------s r-----------isi-----------ng.----------- ----------- Us-----------ing----------- th-----------e g-----------rap-----------h, -----------whi-----------ch -----------of -----------the----------- fo-----------llo-----------win-----------g s-----------tat-----------eme-----------nts----------- is----------- tr-----------ue?----------- a-----------.) ----------- On----------- th-----------e b-----------usi-----------nes-----------s c-----------ycl-----------e,
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