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Category > Business & Finance Posted 29 Jul 2023 My Price 5.00

Business 302 Foundations of Leadership Chapter 4 Quiz 14 Referent Power in Leadership Definition & Examples - Quiz & Worksheet

1. What are two features of referent power?

  1. Trust and direction
  2. Modeling and trust
  3. Modeling and manipulation
  4. Modeling and direction

2. In which of following contexts would application of referent power be most effective?

  1. A government agency
  2. A large multinational corporation with a large number of employees from different cultural backgrounds
  3. A domestic corporation
  4. A small business with long-term employees and little turnover

3. What does referent power encourage?

  1. Employee empowerment
  2. Employee turnover
  3. Employee emancipation
  4. Employee team building

4. Why is the term 'referent' used in this theory?

  1. The term refers to the requirement of referencing the manager's rules or policies before acting.
  2. To make life difficult for students
  3. The term is used because a manager's modeled behavior provides a reference point for an employee's action in a particular circumstance; the employee refers to the modeled behavior in an attempt to emulate it
  4. The term is used because an employee must refer to her manager before acting

5. Which of the following is important for a manager to be aware of when modeling behavior?

  1. Gender of employees
  2. Age of employees
  3. Culture of employees
  4. Race of employees


Status NEW Posted 29 Jul 2023 07:07 AM My Price 5.00

Cha-----------pte-----------r 4----------- Qu-----------iz -----------14 -----------Ref-----------ere-----------nt -----------Pow-----------er -----------in -----------Lea-----------der-----------shi-----------p D-----------efi-----------nit-----------ion----------- &a-----------mp;----------- Ex-----------amp-----------les----------- - -----------Qui-----------z &-----------amp-----------; W-----------ork-----------she-----------et-----------


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