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Category > Business & Finance Posted 02 Aug 2023 My Price 5.00

Business 302 Foundations of Leadership Chapter 5 Quiz 1 The Decision Making Process for Organizations - Quiz & Worksheet

1. A department manager is trying to make a decision about a new line of products. He just finished determining limiting factors. What should he do next?

  1. Define problems with shipping the new product line.
  2. Set up a system to monitor the success of the new product line.
  3. Identify possible alternative strategies for issuing a new line of products.
  4. Implement a fix based on the limiting factors he discovered.

2. A firm that works in marketing is using the decision-making process to decide on a new PR strategy. They have reached the final stage. What are they MOST likely trying to do?

  1. Analyze potential alternatives to the steps they have taken.

  2. Discuss whether they managed to define the key problem well.

  3. Identify what factors might prevent them from implementing the PR strategy.

  4. Implement a weekly system for budget review.

3. Which of the following is the last step to occur in the decision-making process?

  1. Identify limiting factors.
  2. Analyze any alternatives.
  3. Select the best alternative.
  4. Establish a control and evaluation system.

4. John, a CEO of a company, is trying to fix certain aspects of his company. He started by thinking about what factors prevent the company from growing. He then started developing potential alternatives for his company. Why should John stop and start over?

  1. Because he shouldn't have thought about the factors preventing the company from growing.
  2. Because he needed to hire a consultant before trying to address company issues.
  3. Because he needed to define his company's problem before doing anything else.
  4. Because he needed to develop alternative options for his company before he thought about anything else.

5. A company wants to offer a new line of luxury products. This line is worth at least five million dollars. Which answer represents a potential alternative that the company could pursue instead?

  1. All the answers are correct.

  2. It could take out a loan and launch a luxury product line worth six million dollars.

  3. It could give up on launching the product line entirely.

  4. It could launch a less expensive product line to cut back on expenses.


Status NEW Posted 02 Aug 2023 08:08 AM My Price 5.00

Bus-----------ine-----------ss -----------302----------- Fo-----------und-----------ati-----------ons----------- of----------- Le-----------ade-----------rsh-----------ip -----------Cha-----------pte-----------r 5----------- Qu-----------iz -----------1 T-----------he -----------Dec-----------isi-----------on -----------Mak-----------ing----------- Pr-----------oce-----------ss -----------for----------- Or-----------gan-----------iza-----------tio-----------ns ------------ Q-----------uiz----------- &a-----------mp;----------- Wo-----------rks-----------hee-----------t-----------


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