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Category > Business & Finance Posted 02 Aug 2023 My Price 5.00

Business 302 Foundations of Leadership Chapter 5 Quiz 7 The Garbage Can Model of Decision Making - Quiz & Worksheet

1. Which decision-making style is characterized by making a decision without solving any problems?

  1. By chance
  2. By resolution
  3. By flight
  4. By oversight

2. What are four organizational streams, according to the Garbage Can Model?

  1. Questions, Answers, Participants, Choice opportunities
  2. Questions, Answers, Teams, Decisions
  3. Problems, Solutions, Participants, Choice opportunities
  4. Problems, Solutions, Teams, Decisions

3. What plays the role of a garbage can in the Garbage Can Model?

  1. Solutions
  2. Problems
  3. Choice opportunities
  4. Participants

4. In which order are problems and solutions emerging in the organization, according to the Garbage Can Model?

  1. Problems first, solutions later
  2. Both are emerging at the same time
  3. Solutions first, problems later
  4. No solutions emerge

5. What is the main characteristic of Participants, according to the Garbage Can Model?

  1. They behave rationally
  2. They create conflicts
  3. Their demands are unrealistic
  4. They leave the organization frequently


Status NEW Posted 02 Aug 2023 01:08 PM My Price 5.00

Bus-----------ine-----------ss -----------302----------- Fo-----------und-----------ati-----------ons----------- of----------- Le-----------ade-----------rsh-----------ip -----------Cha-----------pte-----------r 5----------- Qu-----------iz -----------7 T-----------he -----------Gar-----------bag-----------e C-----------an -----------Mod-----------el -----------of -----------Dec-----------isi-----------on -----------Mak-----------ing----------- - -----------Qui-----------z &-----------amp-----------; W-----------ork-----------she-----------et-----------


1690983066-Chapter 5 Quiz 7 The Garbage Can Model of Decision Making - Quiz Worksheet.pdf
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