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Category > Business & Finance Posted 02 Aug 2023 My Price 5.00

Business 302 Foundations of Leadership Chapter 5 Quiz 8 Quantitative Analysis in Business Decision Making - Quiz & Worksheet

1. Budgets and wasteful spending are areas of quantitative analysis that fall into the category of:

  1. sales
  2. labor
  3. marketing
  4. finance

2. Exploring numerical data is known as:

  1. qualitative analysis
  2. operations analysis
  3. labor management analysis
  4. quantitative analysis

3. One piece of quantitative data that can be useful when making decisions about labor is:

  1. how happy people say they are at work
  2. how long a marketing campaign has run
  3. attrition rate of employees
  4. which divisions are under budget

4. Julio wants to compare the price of a new marketing campaign with the increase in sales six months after the campaign is launched. Julio is using _____ data.

  1. finance
  2. labor
  3. marketing
  4. sales

5. Geri is looking at the sales numbers for each state and comparing them to see which state buys the most of her products. Geri is examining _____ data.

  1. labor
  2. marketing
  3. sales
  4. finance


Status NEW Posted 02 Aug 2023 01:08 PM My Price 5.00

Cha-----------pte-----------r 5----------- Qu-----------iz -----------8 Q-----------uan-----------tit-----------ati-----------ve -----------Ana-----------lys-----------is -----------in -----------Bus-----------ine-----------ss -----------Dec-----------isi-----------on -----------Mak-----------ing----------- - -----------Qui-----------z &-----------amp-----------; W-----------ork-----------she-----------et-----------


1690983501-Chapter 5 Quiz 8 Quantitative Analysis in Business Decision Making - Quiz Worksheet.pdf
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