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Category > Business & Finance Posted 02 Aug 2023 My Price 5.00

Business 302 Foundations of Leadership Chapter 6 Quiz 1 What is Communication - Definition & Importance - Quiz & Worksheet

1. Which type of communication reflects back to the sender what they have been communicating?

  1. oral

  2. written

  3. visual

  4. active listening

2. What is the most desirable style of communication?

  1. passive

  2. passive-aggressive

  3. assertive

  4. aggressive

3. Which type of communication includes eye movements?

  1. Visual

  2. nonverbal

  3. Active listening

  4. Oral

4. Communication is _____.

  1. one-on-one

  2. the sending and receiving of information

  3. mostly written

  4. mostly oral

5. Who decodes the message of the sender?

  1. the reader

  2. the decoder

  3. the receiver

  4. the sender


Status NEW Posted 02 Aug 2023 01:08 PM My Price 5.00

Cha-----------pte-----------r 6----------- Qu-----------iz -----------1 W-----------hat----------- is----------- Co-----------mmu-----------nic-----------ati-----------on ------------ D-----------efi-----------nit-----------ion----------- &a-----------mp;----------- Im-----------por-----------tan-----------ce ------------ Q-----------uiz----------- &a-----------mp;----------- Wo-----------rks-----------hee-----------t-----------


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