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Category > Business & Finance Posted 02 Aug 2023 My Price 5.00

Business 302 Foundations of Leadership Chapter 6 Quiz 2 Why Communication Matters in the Workplace - Quiz & Worksheet

1. How can an individual communicate clearly in the workplace?

  1. Give specific examples.

  2. Use double speak.

  3. Use corporate jargon.

  4. Use texts to communicate.

  5. Send emails.

2. What does it mean for a word to have a double meaning?

  1. The word is business jargon.

  2. The word is both a verb and a noun.

  3. People think the word is not real.

  4. The word has two different, potentially confusing meanings.

  5. The word appears twice in the sentence.

3. What is effective communication in the workplace?

  1. one-way information sharing that is effective in the business environment by helping employees understand, complete tasks and become successful

  2. It cannot occur in the workplace.

  3. It is when managers communicate tasks.

  4. two- way information sharing that is effective in the business environment by helping employees understand, complete tasks and become successful

  5. It is when listening is preferred to speaking.

4. Why is it important to ask questions after communicating?

  1. To make sure people are not upset.

  2. To reprimand people who did not pay attention.

  3. To provide a memory test on employees.

  4. To see if anyone was paying attention.

  5. To make sure everyone understands the information.

5. Why are harmony and trust so important in communication in the workplace?

  1. They provide numerous reasons to promote people.

  2. They eliminate the need for directions from managers.

  3. They provide the ability for workers to socialize during work hours.

  4. They provide secure employment.

  5. They provide good working relationships and productivity.


Status NEW Posted 02 Aug 2023 02:08 PM My Price 5.00

Bus-----------ine-----------ss -----------302----------- Fo-----------und-----------ati-----------ons----------- of----------- Le-----------ade-----------rsh-----------ip -----------Cha-----------pte-----------r 6----------- Qu-----------iz -----------2 W-----------hy -----------Com-----------mun-----------ica-----------tio-----------n M-----------att-----------ers----------- in----------- th-----------e W-----------ork-----------pla-----------ce ------------ Q-----------uiz----------- &a-----------mp;----------- Wo-----------rks-----------hee-----------t-----------


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