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Category > Business & Finance Posted 07 Aug 2023 My Price 5.00

Business 302 Foundations of Leadership Chapter 6 Quiz 3 The Importance of Strong Communication Skills for Leaders - Quiz & Worksheet

1. What is one of the greatest strengths of an excellent leader?

  1. Entertaining clients

  2. Party planning

  3. Good at telling jokes

  4. Strong communication skills

2. Which of the following is an important communication skill for leaders?

  1. Being the life of the party

  2. Telling stories from the leader's previous job

  3. Identifying faults of other managers

  4. Listening to others

3. Why do managers need to make time to listen to their employees?

  1. Managers are mandated by their job descriptions to listen to employees on a regular basis.

  2. Because time is limited, a manager who spends time listening demonstrates that their team is their priority.

  3. It forces their employees to tell any secrets they have about other employees.

  4. By listening to employees, especially in private, they may get good ideas that they can take credit for.

4. How do employees benefit from an effective leader?

  1. They know where they stand, what is wanted, and what needs improvement.

  2. It is mandatory for employees to listen to their boss regardless of the topic of discussion.

  3. They are confused and worried about the future of their job and checking in with their leader is the only way to get answers.

  4. They know they can get extra time off and an easier work load if their manager likes them.

5. Why is using the appropriate method for communication important?

  1. Some information is more sensitive and requires personal interaction, rather than an email.

  2. The method of communication doesn't matter so long as there is a record of the information being passed on.

  3. Email should be used for all communication to document what was said.

  4. Face-to-face conversations do not take advantage of the technology that is available.


Status NEW Posted 07 Aug 2023 08:08 AM My Price 5.00

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