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Category > Business & Finance Posted 07 Aug 2023 My Price 5.00

Business 302 Foundations of Leadership Chapter 8 Quiz 1 What Is a Team Leader - Description, Role & Responsibilities - Quiz & Worksheet

1. Who is responsible for guiding a group of employees as they complete a project?

  1. Team leader
  2. Office assistant
  3. Football coach
  4. Human resource manager

2. How do team leaders update the company on the team's progress?

  1. Reports
  2. Training seminars
  3. They don't
  4. Delegation

3. Team leaders are responsible for:

  1. Keeping team members on track
  2. All of these answers are correct
  3. Managing day-to-day operations
  4. Establishing meeting times

4. What should team leaders do to ensure that tasks are completed?

  1. Delegate tasks to employees and themselves
  2. Delegate tasks to employees
  3. Delegate tasks to superiors
  4. Complete all tasks themselves

5. What is a role of a team leader?

  1. Monitor members' participation.
  2. Communicate instructions.
  3. All of these.
  4. Develop strategies.


Status NEW Posted 07 Aug 2023 01:08 PM My Price 5.00

Cha-----------pte-----------r 8----------- Qu-----------iz -----------1 W-----------hat----------- Is----------- a -----------Tea-----------m L-----------ead-----------er ------------ D-----------esc-----------rip-----------tio-----------n, -----------Rol-----------e &-----------amp-----------; R-----------esp-----------ons-----------ibi-----------lit-----------ies----------- - -----------Qui-----------z &-----------amp-----------; W-----------ork-----------she-----------et-----------


1691416633-Chapter 8 Quiz 1 What Is a Team Leader - Description Role Responsibilities - Quiz Worksheet.pdf
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