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Category > Business & Finance Posted 07 Aug 2023 My Price 5.00

Business 302 Foundations of Leadership Chapter 8 Quiz 9 Challenges of Virtual Teams - Quiz & Worksheet

1. Which programs can help you share documents and prevent confusion in a virtual team?

  1. Facebook, Twitter
  2. Oracle, Salesforce
  3. Google Docs, Dropbox
  4. Skype, Instagram

2. What is a virtual team?

  1. A virtual team is a reality game that you play on the internet.
  2. A virtual team is a company that works with another company to create a new product.
  3. A virtual team is a group of people who work in the same office but prefer to communicate by email.
  4. A virtual team is a group paired together to complete a project using only technology to communicate and share ideas.

3. What is one way to make sure that everyone stays informed and up to date on decisions made during a virtual meeting?

  1. Schedule the meeting at the same time every week.
  2. Have everyone say what they liked about the meeting.
  3. Make sure that you call team members individually after the meeting to talk with them one-on-one.
  4. Have someone be in charge of sending out a summary of the discussion and a list of key decisions.

4. Why should a virtual team engage in face-to-face virtual communication?

  1. It makes sharing documents among team member easier.
  2. It is the best way to convince other team members to take on more tasks.
  3. It takes up time, so you can justify not doing your other tasks at work.
  4. It increases the efficiency of the team by adding a human factor where you can see emotion and hear tone.

5. Which of the following is the best way resolve the challenge of virtual team members working in different time zones?

  1. Make sure that there are no time differences when you organize the team.
  2. Set meetings that fit your schedule.
  3. Determine everyone's time zone and schedule and look for the best time for everyone to meet.
  4. Never have meetings and just communicate over email.


Status NEW Posted 07 Aug 2023 02:08 PM My Price 5.00

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