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Category > Business & Finance Posted 07 Aug 2023 My Price 5.00

Business 302 Foundations of Leadership Chapter 10 Quiz 1 Defining Workplace Conflict Types and Perspectives - Quiz & Worksheet

1. A manager with an open door policy for employees to share problems they see within the organization is an example of which conflict perspective?

  1. Managed
  2. Functional
  3. Interactionalist
  4. Dysfunctional
  5. Traditional

2. The three workplace conflict perspectives are:

  1. Managed, Functional, and Dysfunctional

  2. Traditional, Managed, and Interactionalist

  3. Managed, Interactionalist, and Dysfunctional

  4. Traditional, Managed, and Functional

  5. Managed, Interfunctional, and Traditional

3. What type of perspective believes that conflict is dysfunctional unless everyone involved positively benefits when the conflict is resolved?

  1. Traditional
  2. Managed
  3. Dysfunctional
  4. Functional
  5. Interactionalist

4. A manager who is quick to resolve problems on their own, ignoring employee input for change, is operating under which conflict perspective?

  1. Traditional
  2. Managed
  3. Interactionalist
  4. Dysfunctional
  5. Functional

5. What is another name for the managed conflict perspective?

  1. Functional

  2. Human Relations

  3. Organizational

  4. Managerial

  5. Dysfunctional


Status NEW Posted 07 Aug 2023 03:08 PM My Price 5.00

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