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Category > Business & Finance Posted 29 Aug 2023 My Price 5.00

Business 302 Foundations of Leadership Chapter 9 Quiz 3 Case Study Tenure of Carly Fiorina as CEO of HP - Quiz & Worksheet

1. What ground-breaking characteristic did Fiorina NOT have as CEO of HP?

  1. first outsider

  2. first non-engineer

  3. first woman

  4. first lawyer

2. The senior management of HP at the turn of the century was dominated by:

  1. lawyers

  2. MBAs

  3. financial strategists

  4. engineers

3. An ethicist might say that Carly Fiorina's leadership lacked all of the following traits except:

  1. compassion

  2. integrity

  3. decisiveness

  4. humility

4. A company looking for a quick fix to a dire financial situation might employ any of these tactics except:

  1. change the bonus formula

  2. refuse to pay its bills

  3. lay off employees

  4. stop hiring new employees

5. A leader with a long-term perspective on where the company should go and how it should get there can best be characterized as a _____.

  1. hands-on leader

  2. strategist

  3. reactionary

  4. consensus-seeker


Status NEW Posted 29 Aug 2023 03:08 PM My Price 5.00

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