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Category > Business & Finance Posted 02 Nov 2023 My Price 15.00

MAT 140 Milestone 1 University of Maine at Presque Isle

Milestone 1 Questions

Answer the following questions in full.

Please support your answers with an explanation of your work.

  1. On average, Juan works 40 hours per week at his current position. If he requires 8 hours of sleep per day, what percentage of hours in a single week are left over for personal time? (2-63)10


  1. Housing starts in Phoenix, Arizona in 2022 were down 42% from 2021, when 7,500 new homes were started. How many housing starts were there in 2022? (2-63) 14


  1. Convert the following into a decimal and express it in an appropriate manner:


    1. 7 10/16
    2. 21 8/9
    3. 9 5/8


  1. $21.50 lowered by 10% equals what dollar amount?


  1. Connie buys a set of tool set for her new job from Lowes. The retail cost of the tool set is 159.99. The state tax is 5.5%. What was the total that Connie paid for her tool set?


  1. Magnus works for the State of Maine and is paid monthly. His 2021 monthly gross earnings are as follows:


Jan. 5400.00                                                        Jul 5200.00

Feb 5000.00                                                        Aug 5900.00

Mar 4880.00                                                       Sep 6100.00       

Apr 5500.00                                                        Oct 6300.00

May 6000.00                                                       Nov 5400.00

June 5800.00                                                      Dec 5800.00

Based on the above earnings, what was Magnus’ average monthly salary for 2021?           


  1. Oniqueky makes a hair product (called Super Gel) that is comprised of the following:

Castor oil             $20.40                     70%

Water                   Free                         10%

Bees wax             $10.00                      8%

Fragrance            $1.60                        2%

Overhead            $10.00/ Factory Hour

Labor                   $20.00/Hour

The following ingredients cost are associated with making 1 gallon of Super Gel.

It takes an hour of labor and Factory Overhead to make a 30 gallon batch. 

What is the cost to make each batch? 


  1. One ($1.00) US Dollar currently can purchase 1.03 Euros, 1.36 Canadian Dollars, and .92 Pound Sterling. How much can $455.00 US Dollars purchase in each currency?


Status NEW Posted 02 Nov 2023 02:11 AM My Price 15.00



file 1698892386-MAT 140 Milestone 1 Answer.docx preview (1291 words )
N-----------ame-----------: ----------- Co-----------urs-----------e: -----------MAT----------- 14-----------0 M-----------ath-----------ema-----------tic-----------s -----------Uni-----------ver-----------sit-----------y: -----------uni-----------ver-----------sit-----------y o-----------f m-----------ain-----------e a-----------t p-----------res-----------que----------- is-----------le ----------- Mo-----------dul-----------e: -----------One-----------/Mi-----------les-----------ton-----------e 1----------- D-----------ate-----------: -----------Mil-----------est-----------one----------- 1 -----------Que-----------sti-----------ons----------- A-----------nsw-----------er -----------the----------- fo-----------llo-----------win-----------g q-----------ues-----------tio-----------ns -----------in -----------ful-----------l. ----------- Pl-----------eas-----------e s-----------upp-----------ort----------- yo-----------ur -----------ans-----------wer-----------s w-----------ith----------- an----------- ex-----------pla-----------nat-----------ion----------- of----------- yo-----------ur -----------wor-----------k. ----------- On----------- av-----------era-----------ge,----------- Ju-----------an -----------wor-----------ks -----------40 -----------hou-----------rs -----------per----------- we-----------ek -----------at -----------his----------- cu-----------rre-----------nt -----------pos-----------iti-----------on.----------- If----------- he----------- re-----------qui-----------res----------- 8 -----------hou-----------rs -----------of -----------sle-----------ep -----------per----------- da-----------y, -----------wha-----------t p-----------erc-----------ent-----------age----------- of----------- ho-----------urs----------- in----------- a -----------sin-----------gle----------- we-----------ek -----------are----------- le-----------ft -----------ove-----------r f-----------or -----------per-----------son-----------al -----------tim-----------e? -----------(2------------63)-----------10
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