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Category > Business & Finance Posted 22 Jan 2024 My Price 5.00

TEC 100 Week 3 Discussion IT and Networking Careers and Skills

IT and Networking Careers and Skills [WLO: 1] [CLOs: 4, 5]

If you are interested in a career in information technology (IT), you need to understand the different titles that may exist for that career, as well as what skills employers seek. This career-focused mindset should guide you even when you study or choose your courses. For this discussion forum, you will review current job opportunities and compile a list of skills that you believe will be helpful in landing a job in the field of IT or computer networking.

Prior to beginning work on this discussion forum,

In your initial discussion forum post,

  • Indicate the IT or networking job titles or positions you searched for.
  • Discuss at least two skills that would be important to acquire for a job in the IT or networking field.
  • Explain why those two skills could benefit your professional goals.
  • List at least three IT or networking-related skills you already possess.
    • Be sure to indicate your level of proficiency with those skills: basic, intermediate, or advanced.

Guided Response: Review your classmates’ posts and respond to at least two of your peers by Day 7 (Monday). Each peer response should be a minimum of 50 words. In your peer responses,

  • Critically examine your peer’s job picks and titles and discuss their suggested skills.


Status NEW Posted 22 Jan 2024 04:01 AM My Price 5.00

TEC----------- 10-----------0 W-----------eek----------- 3 -----------Dis-----------cus-----------sio-----------n I-----------T a-----------nd -----------Net-----------wor-----------kin-----------g C-----------are-----------ers----------- an-----------d S-----------kil-----------ls-----------


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T-----------EC -----------100----------- We-----------ek -----------3 D-----------isc-----------uss-----------ion----------- IT----------- an-----------d N-----------etw-----------ork-----------ing----------- Ca-----------ree-----------rs -----------and----------- Sk-----------ill-----------s -----------IT -----------and----------- Ne-----------two-----------rki-----------ng -----------Car-----------eer-----------s a-----------nd -----------Ski-----------lls----------- [-----------WLO-----------: 1-----------] [-----------CLO-----------s: -----------4, -----------5] ----------- If----------- yo-----------u a-----------re -----------int-----------ere-----------ste-----------d i-----------n a----------- ca-----------ree-----------r i-----------n i-----------nfo-----------rma-----------tio-----------n t-----------ech-----------nol-----------ogy----------- (I-----------T),----------- yo-----------u n-----------eed----------- to----------- un-----------der-----------sta-----------nd -----------the----------- di-----------ffe-----------ren-----------t t-----------itl-----------es -----------tha-----------t m-----------ay -----------exi-----------st -----------for----------- th-----------at -----------car-----------eer-----------, a-----------s w-----------ell----------- as----------- wh-----------at -----------ski-----------lls----------- em-----------plo-----------yer-----------s s-----------eek-----------. T-----------his----------- ca-----------ree-----------r-f-----------ocu-----------sed----------- mi-----------nds-----------et -----------sho-----------uld----------- gu-----------ide----------- yo-----------u e-----------ven----------- wh-----------en -----------you----------- st-----------udy----------- or----------- ch-----------oos-----------e y-----------our----------- co-----------urs-----------es.----------- Fo-----------r t-----------his----------- di-----------scu-----------ssi-----------on -----------for-----------um,----------- yo-----------u w-----------ill-----------
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