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Category > Business & Finance Posted 22 Jan 2024 My Price 5.00

TEC 100 Week 4 Discussion Big Data

Big Data [WLO: 3] [CLOs: 3, 4]

Big Data refers to the vast amounts of data collected and stored online based on Internet searches, social media posts, customer transactions, military surveillance, medical tests, and weather sensors. The term can also refer to the tools and processes used by data engineers and analysts to make sense of this data. For this discussion and based on your reading and research, discuss how has Big Data changed the world of business.

Prior to beginning work on this discussion forum,

In your initial discussion forum post,

  • Define the term Big Data in your own words.
  • Discuss how Big Data has changed the world of business.
  • Select a business within any industry and discuss how Big Data can help it gain a competitive advantage against its competition.

Guided Response: Review your classmates’ posts and respond to at least two of your peers by Day 7 (Monday). Each peer response should be a minimum of 50 words. In your peer responses,

  • Discuss your peer’s definition of Big Data and present your thoughts on how it has changed the world of business.
  • Evaluate your peer’s business pick and if you think Big Data can really help that business gain a better competitive advantage.


Status NEW Posted 22 Jan 2024 04:01 AM My Price 5.00

TEC----------- 10-----------0 W-----------eek----------- 4 -----------Dis-----------cus-----------sio-----------n B-----------ig -----------Dat-----------a-----------


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T-----------EC -----------100----------- We-----------ek -----------4 D-----------isc-----------uss-----------ion----------- Bi-----------g D-----------ata----------- B-----------ig -----------Dat-----------a [-----------WLO-----------: 3-----------] [-----------CLO-----------s: -----------3, -----------4] ----------- Bi-----------g D-----------ata----------- re-----------fer-----------s t-----------o t-----------he -----------vas-----------t a-----------mou-----------nts----------- of----------- da-----------ta -----------col-----------lec-----------ted----------- an-----------d s-----------tor-----------ed -----------onl-----------ine----------- ba-----------sed----------- on----------- In-----------ter-----------net----------- se-----------arc-----------hes-----------, s-----------oci-----------al -----------med-----------ia -----------pos-----------ts,----------- cu-----------sto-----------mer----------- tr-----------ans-----------act-----------ion-----------s, -----------mil-----------ita-----------ry -----------sur-----------vei-----------lla-----------nce-----------, m-----------edi-----------cal----------- te-----------sts-----------, a-----------nd -----------wea-----------the-----------r s-----------ens-----------ors-----------. T-----------he -----------ter-----------m c-----------an -----------als-----------o r-----------efe-----------r t-----------o t-----------he -----------too-----------ls -----------and----------- pr-----------oce-----------sse-----------s u-----------sed----------- by----------- da-----------ta -----------eng-----------ine-----------ers----------- an-----------d a-----------nal-----------yst-----------s t-----------o m-----------ake----------- se-----------nse----------- of----------- th-----------is -----------dat-----------a. -----------For----------- th-----------is -----------dis-----------cus-----------sio-----------n a-----------nd -----------bas-----------ed -----------on -----------you-----------r r-----------ead-----------ing-----------
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