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Category > Business & Finance Posted 23 Jan 2024 My Price 5.00

PHI 208 Week 1 Discussion Reading and Applying Philosophical Texts

Reading and Applying Philosophical Texts [WLOs: 1, 2, 3] [CLOs: 1, 2, 4, 5]

Prior to beginning work on this discussion forum, read Chapter 1 of the How Should One Live? An Introduction to Ethics and Moral Reasoning. Watch the Reading PhilosophyLinks to an external site. video, and view the selections of Philosophical Texts Download Philosophical Texts. You are encouraged to read the recommended webpage resource this week 7 Ways of Reading Philosophy: #4 Reading Out LoudLinks to an external site..

This discussion has two parts. The first part introduces you to strategies and methods you will use to read original philosophical texts that are part of the required resources for this course. This part involves reading the text out loud to yourself, answering a series of questions, and eventually recording a video of yourself reading the text. The second part asks you to articulate a strong ethical belief you have, and to defend that belief using one of the ideas from the philosophical text you have selected and recorded.

Part 1: Choose one of the selections from Philosophical Texts. It is best to read through many of the passages first to determine which one might intrigue you the most or which might best pertain to your strong ethical belief.

  • Read the text silently to yourself one time, then complete the following steps:
    • Copy and paste the text at the top of a document.
    • Describe your initial understanding of the text or what you find confusing about it.
    • Provide a percentage of how much of the text you comprehend (It is fine if the percentage is low!)
    • Are there any words or phrases you do not understand?
    • Look up those words and provide their definitions.
  • Read the text aloud
  • Read the text aloud as often as you need to until you better understand the ideas presented in the text and feel comfortable with your pacing.
  • Create a recording of yourself reading the entire text aloud. Follow the instructions in Canvas Video Submission InstructionsLinks to an external site. which explains how to record and upload a video submission in Canvas.
  • (Note: The preference here is for you to record the video, but there is an option to record audio only. In any case the quality of the recording, your ease on camera, etc., will not be considered in your grade for this discussion. If you have questions or concerns about this exercise, please consult your instructor.)

The recording will automatically upload into your discussion post, but it may take a little bit of time, so make sure you stay on the page until it is clear the recording has been uploaded. You will see a yellow box as the recording processes, which will switch to the beginning of the recording when processing is finished.

Once the recording has uploaded to your post, add a space or two in your post, then provide your answers to the steps above and

  • complete this section of your post by providing a percentage of the text you think you comprehend after these multiple reads.

Part 2: Identify and articulate a strong ethical belief that you have. You can choose any belief on any topic, but the belief you choose to discuss must be ethical.

An ethical belief is something that is right or wrong, just or unjust, good or bad, or moral or immoral. The belief should be specific, one that you regard as true, and one that is important to who you are as a person.

Try to state this belief in one sentence using this format: “My strong ethical belief is that . . .” Format the sentence in bold so that it is easy for your peers to identify.

  • Explain your belief and the main reason(s) why you hold this belief.
  • Consider ways in which the philosophical passage you read might help you to defend your belief.
  • If the passage is not relevant to your ethical belief, discuss what is missing or what would be needed to make it relevant to your belief in a way that would help support and defend your belief.

Guided Response: In your reply posts,

  • Read the philosophical text selected by your peer, then watch the video or listen to the audio of their recording.
  • Describe how listening to the recording impacted your understanding of the text as opposed to just reading the text.
  • Evaluate the connection between your peer’s philosophical text and their ethical belief or between their philosophical text and your ethical belief.

The requirements for the discussion this week are

  • Your first post is due by Day 3 (Thursday).
  • You must post a minimum of three separate posts: a primary or main post that addresses all elements of the discussion prompt and two reply posts.
  • Your main post must answer all the questions in the prompt and show evidence of having read the resources that are required to complete the discussion properly (such as by using quotes, referring to specific points made in the text, etc.).
  • All posts (including replies to peers) are expected to be thought-out; proofread for mechanical, grammatical, and spelling accuracy; and advance the discussion in an intelligent and meaningful way.
  • You are encouraged to post your first reply to others by Day 6 (Sunday).
  • The total word count for all your posts should be at least 750 words, excluding references.
  • In-text citations and references should follow APA guidelines. See the APA StyleLinks to an external site. resource in the Writing Center.
  • Review or download the selections of Philosophical Texts Download Philosophical Texts.


Status NEW Posted 23 Jan 2024 03:01 AM My Price 5.00

PHI----------- 20-----------8 W-----------eek----------- 1 -----------Dis-----------cus-----------sio-----------n R-----------ead-----------ing----------- an-----------d A-----------ppl-----------yin-----------g P-----------hil-----------oso-----------phi-----------cal----------- Te-----------xts-----------


file 1705981869-PHI 208 Week 1 Discussion Reading and Applying Philosophical Texts.docx preview (1451 words )
P-----------HI -----------208----------- We-----------ek -----------1 D-----------isc-----------uss-----------ion----------- Re-----------adi-----------ng -----------and----------- Ap-----------ply-----------ing----------- Ph-----------ilo-----------sop-----------hic-----------al -----------Tex-----------ts ----------- Re-----------adi-----------ng -----------and----------- Ap-----------ply-----------ing----------- Ph-----------ilo-----------sop-----------hic-----------al -----------Tex-----------ts -----------[WL-----------Os:----------- 1,----------- 2,----------- 3]----------- [C-----------LOs-----------: 1-----------, 2-----------, 4-----------, 5-----------] -----------Pri-----------or -----------to -----------beg-----------inn-----------ing----------- wo-----------rk -----------on -----------thi-----------s d-----------isc-----------uss-----------ion----------- fo-----------rum-----------, r-----------ead----------- Ch-----------apt-----------er -----------1 o-----------f t-----------he-----------Ho-----------w -----------Sho-----------uld----------- On-----------e L-----------ive-----------? A-----------n I-----------ntr-----------odu-----------cti-----------on -----------to -----------Eth-----------ics----------- an-----------d M-----------ora-----------l R-----------eas-----------oni-----------ng.----------- Wa-----------tch----------- th-----------e -----------Rea-----------din-----------g P-----------hil-----------oso-----------phy-----------Lin-----------ks -----------to -----------an -----------ext-----------ern-----------al -----------sit-----------e.-----------vi-----------deo-----------, a-----------nd -----------vie-----------w t-----------he -----------sel-----------ect-----------ion-----------s o-----------f -----------Phi-----------los-----------oph-----------ica-----------l T-----------ext-----------s -----------Dow-----------nlo-----------ad -----------Phi-----------los-----------oph-----------ica-----------l T-----------ext-----------s.
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