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    Adelphi University/Devry
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  • HOD ,Professor
    Adelphi University
    Sep-2007 - Apr-2017

Category > Business & Finance Posted 23 Jan 2024 My Price 5.00

PHI 208 Week 2 Discussion Forum 1 Utilitarianism

Utilitarianism [WLOs: 1, 2] [CLOs: 1, 2, 3]

Prior to beginning work on this discussion forum, read Chapter 3 of the How Should One Live? An Introduction to Ethics and Moral Reasoning, and Chapter 2 of John Stuart Mill’s Utilitarianism also in your textbook’s Primary Sources section.

The first discussion this week will focus on explaining and evaluating the utilitarian ethical theory as discussed in Chapter 3 of the textbook. Your instructor will be choosing the discussion question and posting it as the first post in the main discussion forum. The requirements for the discussion this week include the following:

  • Your first post is due by Day 3 (Thursday).
  • You must post a minimum of three separate posts: a primary or main post that addresses all elements of the discussion prompt and two reply posts.
  • Your main post must answer all the questions in the prompt and show evidence of having read the resources that are required to complete the discussion properly (such as by using quotes, referring to specific points made in the text, etc.).
  • All posts (including replies to peers) are expected to be thought-out; proofread for mechanical, grammatical, and spelling accuracy; and advance the discussion in an intelligent and meaningful way.
  • You are encouraged to post your first reply to others by Day 6 (Sunday).
  • The total word count for all your posts should be at least 600 words, excluding references.
  • In-text citations and references should follow APA guidelines. See the APA StyleLinks to an external site. resource in the Writing Center.
  • To satisfy the posting requirements for the week, posts must be made by Day 7 (Monday).
  • View or download the selections of Philosophical Texts Download Philosophical Texts.


Status NEW Posted 23 Jan 2024 04:01 AM My Price 5.00

PHI----------- 20-----------8 W-----------eek----------- 2 -----------Dis-----------cus-----------sio-----------n F-----------oru-----------m 1----------- Ut-----------ili-----------tar-----------ian-----------ism-----------


file 1705983953-PHI 208 Week 2 Discussion Forum 1 Utilitarianism.docx preview (676 words )
P-----------HI -----------208----------- We-----------ek -----------2 D-----------isc-----------uss-----------ion----------- Fo-----------rum----------- 1 -----------Uti-----------lit-----------ari-----------ani-----------sm ----------- Ut-----------ili-----------tar-----------ian-----------ism----------- [W-----------LOs-----------: 1-----------, 2-----------] [-----------CLO-----------s: -----------1, -----------2, -----------3] ----------- Pr-----------ior----------- to----------- be-----------gin-----------nin-----------g w-----------ork----------- on----------- th-----------is -----------dis-----------cus-----------sio-----------n f-----------oru-----------m, -----------rea-----------d C-----------hap-----------ter----------- 3 -----------of -----------the----------- H-----------ow -----------Sho-----------uld----------- On-----------e L-----------ive-----------? A-----------n I-----------ntr-----------odu-----------cti-----------on -----------to -----------Eth-----------ics----------- an-----------d M-----------ora-----------l R-----------eas-----------oni-----------ng,----------- an-----------d C-----------hap-----------ter----------- 2 -----------of -----------Joh-----------n S-----------tua-----------rt -----------Mil-----------lâ€-----------™sÂ----------- Ut-----------ili-----------tar-----------ian-----------ism----------- a-----------lso----------- in----------- yo-----------ur -----------tex-----------tbo-----------okâ-----------€™s----------- Pr-----------ima-----------ry -----------Sou-----------rce-----------s s-----------ect-----------ion-----------. -----------The----------- fi-----------rst----------- di-----------scu-----------ssi-----------on -----------thi-----------s w-----------eek----------- wi-----------ll -----------foc-----------us -----------on -----------exp-----------lai-----------nin-----------g a-----------nd -----------eva-----------lua-----------tin-----------g t-----------he -----------uti-----------lit-----------ari-----------an
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