This discussion is based on the Personal SWOT Analysis you completed.Â
 | Prepare
Prior to working on this discussion, do the following:
- Read Chapter 4: Assessing Yourself. Focus on Section 4.1.
- Review your completed SWOT Analysis.
 | Reflect
Understanding yourself is a key step in your academic and professional journey. As you approach this discussion, take some time to think about your strengths, weaknesses, areas of opportunity, and possible threats. Consider how they either increase or decrease your chances for success. You may also choose to reflect on the impact of your past experiences. You will find this discussion helpful as you complete your Week 5 final project, the Personal Development Plan. The discussion this week will give you time to reflect on your results from the Personal SWOT Analysis you completed.
 | Write
In your initial discussion forum post (of at least 250 words) be sure to do the following:
- Upload your completed Personal SWOT Analysis.Â
- Identify your most important strength, weakness, opportunity, and threat.Â
- Explain why each is important, using examples from your personal, professional, or academic life.Â
- Reflect on how completing the Personal SWOT Analysis will impact your personal, professional, and/or academic growth.Â
- Use Chapter 4: Assessing Yourself to support your response.Â
- Discuss your personal experience completing the SWOT analysis. In your discussion, address the following:Â
- Explain how the SWOT analysis validates or changes your understanding of yourself.Â
- Explain any surprises you experienced as you completed the SWOT analysis.Â
- Explain how you can turn one of your weaknesses into a strength.Â
- Explain how you can turn one of your threats into an opportunity.
 | Guided Response
Respond substantively (in at least 100 words) to at least two of your peers by Day 7 (Monday).Â
In your two peer responses, do the following:
- Identify similarities and differences between your SWOT analysis experience and your classmates’ experiences. What are the similarities? What are the differences?Â
- Choose either a weakness or threat from a classmate’s post and do the following:Â
- Share a strategy to turn a weakness into a strength or a threat into an opportunity.Â
- Address what your peers shared about the impact their SWOT analysis had on their personal, professional, or academic growth.Â
- Share a connection you made that you could use to aid you in your success in this class, your career, or your personal life.Â
An important part of your learning involves the exchange of ideas and feedback with your peers and instructor. Your participation and critical thinking components are part of your earned discussion grade. In your responses, share ideas, explore different perspectives, and think critically about your classmates’ posts. You will also be assessed on your ability to upload your document.