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    Adelphi University/Devry
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  • HOD ,Professor
    Adelphi University
    Sep-2007 - Apr-2017

Category > Business & Finance Posted 29 Jan 2024 My Price 5.00

ENG 122 Week 4 Discussion 2 Revision Strategies and Folio

Revision Strategies and Folio [WLOs: 2, 3] [CLOs: 2, 3]




Prior to beginning work on this discussion, read Chapter 5 in your course textbook: Research & Writing. Also, do the following:

  • Make sure you have uploaded your Week 2 Source Critique Essay to Folio and take a look back at any other assignments you have previously uploaded to Folio, including the Future Opportunities Final Paper from ENG121, if applicable.
  • For help getting a link to your project in Folio, view this guide: Getting a Link to a Project in FolioLinks to an external site..




Establishing an individualized revision and editing strategy stems from self-assessment and feedback. You have to examine assignment expectations, assess your own knowledge, skills, and abilities, and evaluate any feedback you have received. As you take stock, you will be able to make a plan that will support your success on specific assignments, but also as a method you can apply in any situation.

In this forum, you will reflect on what you have learned about the research and writing process, and consider not only how this knowledge can be applied to various projects, but what difference that can make in the finished product. As you respond to your peers, you will review their work in Folio and exchange useful advice.

Please note: This forum is an opportunity for peer-to-peer support; therefore, your instructor will not be participating in the forum but will be reading your responses and providing feedback within the gradebook.




In 250 to 300 words, address the following points:

  • Post a link to an assignment you uploaded to Folio.
    • This could be your Week 2 Source Critique Essay assignment, the Future Opportunities final paper from ENG121, or any other appropriate assignment that you have uploaded to Folio.
  • Reflect on your selected assignment.
    • Particularly, in light of your understanding of the research process gained in this class, discuss how you might have approached the assignment differently. Would applying the research process have led to a different product? In what way?
  • Identify a specific element of your chosen assignment that you would like targeted feedback from your classmates.




Guided Response

Respond to at least two of your classmates. In each response

  • Produce an observation, compliment, and recommendation on the specific element that your peer requested feedback.
  • Point out a connection to your own post by referencing similar goals, strengths, and areas of opportunities.
Your responses should each be about 100 words. Please read all your classmates’ posts, whether you are responding or not. You may respond to more than two classmates in this discussion.



Status NEW Posted 29 Jan 2024 01:01 AM My Price 5.00

ENG----------- 12-----------2 W-----------eek----------- 4 -----------Dis-----------cus-----------sio-----------n 2----------- Re-----------vis-----------ion----------- St-----------rat-----------egi-----------es -----------and----------- Fo-----------lio-----------


file 1706493007-ENG 122 Week 4 Discussion 2 Revision Strategies and Folio.docx preview (800 words )
E-----------NG -----------122----------- We-----------ek -----------4 D-----------isc-----------uss-----------ion----------- 2 -----------Rev-----------isi-----------on -----------Str-----------ate-----------gie-----------s a-----------nd -----------Fol-----------io ----------- Re-----------vis-----------ion----------- St-----------rat-----------egi-----------es -----------and----------- Fo-----------lio----------- [W-----------LOs-----------: 2-----------, 3-----------] [-----------CLO-----------s: -----------2, -----------3] -----------  ----------- Â-----------  P-----------rep-----------are----------- P-----------rio-----------r t-----------o b-----------egi-----------nni-----------ng -----------wor-----------k o-----------n t-----------his----------- di-----------scu-----------ssi-----------on,----------- re-----------ad -----------Cha-----------pte-----------r 5----------- in----------- yo-----------ur -----------cou-----------rse----------- te-----------xtb-----------ook-----------: -----------Res-----------ear-----------ch -----------&am-----------p;a-----------mp;----------- Wr-----------iti-----------ng.----------- Al-----------so,----------- do----------- th-----------e f-----------oll-----------owi-----------ng:----------- M-----------ake----------- su-----------re -----------you----------- ha-----------ve -----------upl-----------oad-----------ed -----------you-----------r W-----------eek----------- 2 -----------Sou-----------rce----------- Cr-----------iti-----------que----------- Es-----------say----------- to----------- Fo-----------lio----------- an-----------d t-----------ake----------- a -----------loo-----------k b-----------ack----------- at----------- an-----------y o-----------the-----------r a-----------ssi-----------gnm-----------ent-----------s y-----------ou -----------hav-----------e p-----------rev-----------iou-----------sly----------- up-----------loa-----------ded----------- to----------- Fo-----------lio-----------, i-----------ncl-----------udi-----------ng
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