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    Adelphi University
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Category > Psychology Posted 05 Feb 2024 My Price 10.00

PSY 450 Week 3 Social Justice Movement Presentation

Wk 3 - Social Justice Movement Presentation

You are a journalist for an independent, nonprofit news organization that focuses on societal changes. The news organization utilizes a unique social media platform not only to share the news with its readers but also to have a conversation about complex issues with their readers.


Your manager has asked you to create a presentation on a major social movement and its impact on society. The news organization and your manager hope that their readers will share their thoughts on social justice and its impact on them after reading your presentation.


You can choose from the Civil Rights, Black Lives Matter, and Me Too movements. You can also write about a different movement with approval from your faculty member. You will utilize this selection in your Week 4 assignment, too.  


Create a 10- to 15-slide Microsoft® PowerPoint® presentation to answer the following questions in relation to your chosen social justice movement:


  • Define social justice.
  • Explain why it is important to teach and discuss social justice.
  • Examine an instance of social injustice of your choice related to your selected movement.
  • Assess which groups are most affected by this social injustice instance.
  • Assess how social injustice has impacted you personally and how it has impacted your thinking or how your thinking has evolved as you learned more about social justice movements. 
  • Assess potential actions to properly address the social injustice instance. 
  • Describe lessons that can be learned from your chosen movement.


In addition to the 10 to 15 slides of content, you need to include an introduction slide, a reference slide, and detailed speaker notes in your presentation.


Support your presentation with proper scholarly sources. Cite all references using APA format.


Submit your assignment.


Status NEW Posted 05 Feb 2024 06:02 PM My Price 10.00

PSY----------- 45-----------0 W-----------eek----------- 3 -----------Soc-----------ial----------- Ju-----------sti-----------ce -----------Mov-----------eme-----------nt -----------Pre-----------sen-----------tat-----------ion-----------


1707156337-PSY 450 Week 3 Social Justice Movement Presentation.pptx
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