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Category > Business & Finance Posted 11 Feb 2024 My Price 8.00

IOP 480 Week 2 Summative Assessment Employee Assessment Executive Summary

IOP 480 Week 2 Summative Assessment Employee Assessment Executive Summary

Employee Assessment Assignment


Huffman Trucking Company is currently facing some organizational issues and has decided to bring in your consulting firm to assist. As a consultant, you are asked to provide ideas and implement changes to alleviate some of the leadership team's problems Huffman is facing.


Huffman's most pressing issue currently is staffing. The talent acquisitions team is ramping up to recruit and hire various positions for their company. They are short-staffed, and attrition is at an all-time high. The team wants to ensure that they source and recruit candidates who have the required competencies and can thrive in the current work culture. Huffman is looking to you for best practices for recruiting and hiring new employees. The team would like to learn more about the tools and assessments used to accomplish this task.


Organizations need to understand employee preferences regarding working style to run a successful organization. Assessments such as DISC, MBTI, and other psychometric assessments/tools assist in obtaining this information.



Write a 700- to 1,050-word executive summary for leadership that presents each assessment tool and its effectiveness in an organizational structure.


Research 3 different employee preferences or workstyle assessments (1. DiSC 2. MBTI and 3. the use of a specific psychometric assessment/tool of your choice)


Organize your comparison of these three tools by answering the following questions for each tool:


  • Describe the assessment and:
  • Who developed it and when.
  • Analyze and discuss the following critical factors of the assessment:

  How is it administered?

 What is the validity and effectiveness of this assessment and what research supports this?

  Rate the effectiveness of the assessment and support it with your research.


Based on your evaluation of tools, suggest which one assessment Huffman should use to understand the staff and how this could increase recruitment and lower attrition.


Format your paper according to APA guidelines.


Cite your resources in the paper (and then list them on a Reference page).


Submit your paper.


Status NEW Posted 11 Feb 2024 01:02 AM My Price 8.00

IOP----------- 48-----------0 W-----------eek----------- 2 -----------Sum-----------mat-----------ive----------- As-----------ses-----------sme-----------nt -----------Emp-----------loy-----------ee -----------Ass-----------ess-----------men-----------t E-----------xec-----------uti-----------ve -----------Sum-----------mar-----------y-----------


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