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    Adelphi University/Devry
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    Adelphi University
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Category > Business & Finance Posted 11 Feb 2024 My Price 10.00

IOP 480 Week 4 Summative Assessment Leadership Assessment Presentation

Huffman Trucking company is looking to assess its leadership team and develop future leaders across the organization. Huffman wants to understand what a successful leader looks like to complete this mission. It asks for your assistance in creating an assessment to evaluate the key competencies of a successful leader.


As a subject matter expert (SME), Huffman asks you to create a leadership assessment based on 10 leadership characteristics and competencies and rank them from most to least important.


Create a leadership assessment based on 10 leadership characteristics and competencies and rank them from most to least important.


Present the leadership assessment in a 15- to 20-slide Microsoft® PowerPoint® Presentation.

  • List and describe your 10 characteristics and competencies.
  • What are the reasons for choosing these qualities?
  • Explain the factors you considered when ranking the qualities.
  • Discuss the 10 traits and whether they are innate or learned.
  • For qualities considered innate, develop a plan to enhance the attribute.
  • For learned qualities, develop a plan to train or learn the attribute.
  • Does your competency model apply cross-culturally?
  • Explain your answer.
  • Describe the differences in qualities and details for their use in cross-cultural leadership?
  • Does the competency model differ based on the level of the leader? In other words, is there a difference between assessing a senior leader (C-suite exec) and a first-level manager?
  • Explain your response.
  • Finally, apply the characteristics and competencies as solutions and enhancements targeted at improving performance at different levels of the organization.


Your presentation should include:

  • Title/cover page
  • Introduction
  • Discussion in the notes supporting each slide
  • Citations and reference page


Format your presentation to ensure that the slides only contain essential information and as little text as possible. Do not design a slide made up of long bullet points. Your speaker notes convey the details you would give if you were presenting.


Include comprehensive speaker notes.


Cite at least 2 peer-reviewed or similar references to support your assignment and Include a slide with APA-formatted references.


Submit your assignment.


ATTACH/SUBMIT AN ACTUAL POWER POINT FILE (NO .PDF OR LINKS TO CLOUD FILE OR OTHER FILE TYPE OR IT WILL RECEIVE ZERO POINTS). Please note that if the file size is 10MB or larger, the Originality/Safe Assign report will not generate and thus, you may also receive a ZERO on the assignment. Students have found this happens if high resolution photos are used in the presentation. While photos are an effective way to enhance the presentation, if you include them, please make sure they are not high-res and check the file size prior to submitting it.


Be in the habit of reviewing your Originality/Safe Assign score/report. If there is not one for you to review after you submit your assignment, it means your file type and/or size is not correct and thus you will earn a zero for the assignment. 







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Status NEW Posted 11 Feb 2024 01:02 AM My Price 10.00

IOP----------- 48-----------0 W-----------eek----------- 4 -----------Sum-----------mat-----------ive----------- As-----------ses-----------sme-----------nt -----------Lea-----------der-----------shi-----------p A-----------sse-----------ssm-----------ent----------- Pr-----------ese-----------nta-----------tio-----------n-----------


1707613627-IOP 480 Week 4 Summative Assessment Leadership Assessment Presentation.pptx
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