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Category > Psychology Posted 11 Feb 2024 My Price 10.00

PSY 420 Week 5 Signature Assignment Self-Management Paper

This cumulative assignment allows you to consider everything you have learned over the past 5 weeks and attempt to change a behavior of your own. This overall process is similar to what a board-certified behavior analyst would complete with a new client.


Refer to the approved behavior you would like to change based on your submission to your instructor in Week 2.


Track baseline data over a 3-day period using the Baseline Data Worksheet. Refer to the 'Hints' that are posted with the Week Two assignment.


Write a 1,400- to 1,750-word paper that outlines an intervention plan for changing that behavior, and ensure you:

  • Describe the target behavior.
  • Outline the dimensions of measurement/baseline measurement.
  • Describe the function of the baseline behavior.
  • Outline the goals of the behavioral change.
  • Propose a behavior intervention plan based on goals.
  • Provide a minimum of 2 antecedent changes.
  • Provide 4 to 5 consequence modifications.
  • Choose consequences based on at least 4 of the following:
  • Positive reinforcement
  • Negative reinforcement
  • Negative punishment
  • Positive punishment
  • Extinction
  • Describe any potential barriers to treatment as well as how you would overcome these barriers.
  • Describe the expected outcome if the behavior intervention plan was implemented and followed.


Format your paper according to APA guidelines. Remember not to copy/paste sections of your Week Two assignment. Since you've already earned credit for those passages, I won't be able to award credit a second time.


Submit your Baseline Data Worksheet along with your paper.


Status NEW Posted 11 Feb 2024 03:02 AM My Price 10.00

PSY----------- 42-----------0 W-----------eek----------- 5 -----------Sig-----------nat-----------ure----------- As-----------sig-----------nme-----------nt -----------Sel-----------f-M-----------ana-----------gem-----------ent----------- Pa-----------per-----------


file 1707621328-PSY 420 Week 5 Signature Assignment Self-Management Paper.docx preview (254 words )
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