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    Adelphi University/Devry
    Apr-2000 - Mar-2005


  • HOD ,Professor
    Adelphi University
    Sep-2007 - Apr-2017

Category > Business & Finance Posted 12 Feb 2024 My Price 8.00

IND 299 Week 4-2 Worksheet Coursework (Ungraded)

IND 299 Coursework Worksheet Guidelines


An important part of designing your academic plan of study is identifying how prior coursework and additional courses will help you achieve your specific goal. This worksheet will help you organize your pathway, prepare for Milestone Three due in Module Five, and begin compiling a list of the courses needed for your degree. You will also be expected to incorporate this table into the complete, polished version of your final project. 

For this ungraded assignment, you will work with your advisor to compile a list of courses needed for your degree and concentration. You may have worked with your advisor prior to this assignment while completing a course plan when you entered this degree program. Whether you have previously been in contact or not, it is now time to reach out to your advisor.  


To complete this assignment, use the following checklist to help you organize your pathway: 

  • Meet with your academic advisor to discuss your pathway toward graduation. 
  • Verify that your transcripts have been received and transfer credits have been applied. 
  • Complete the Coursework Worksheet to identify courses for your academic plan of study. You should type information directly into the worksheet. You are responsible for filling out this worksheet: Your advisor will help if you are unsure of what courses you need or have already taken. 

Even if you have previously worked with your advisor to create a course plan, be sure to meet and work on this table together, as it is an integral part of your grade for the final project.  

Note: All students are expected to review the academic catalog for prerequisite courses that are required as part of their program. All courses and their prerequisites must be program applicable for financial aid purposes. Check with your advisor if you have questions about this. 


Status NEW Posted 12 Feb 2024 05:02 AM My Price 8.00

IND----------- 29-----------9 W-----------eek----------- 4------------2 W-----------ork-----------she-----------et -----------Cou-----------rse-----------wor-----------k (-----------Ung-----------rad-----------ed)-----------


file 1707716324-IND 299 Week 4-2 Worksheet Coursework Ungraded.docx preview (322 words )
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