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Category > Psychology Posted 14 Feb 2024 My Price 8.00

PSY 355 Week 2 Motivation and Needs PPT Presentation

PSY 355 Week 2 Motivation and Needs PPT Presentation

Resource: Motivation and Needs Presentation Grading Guide


Consider the four types of needs discussed this week―physiological, psychological, implicit, and quasi―in relation to human motivation in a school or work setting.


Prepare 10 to 15 Microsoft® PowerPoint® slides, in which you analyze physiological, psychological, implicit, and quasi needs as they relate to human behavior.

  • You must submit detailed speaker notes (with citations) with your presentations.


Address the following in your presentation:

  • Identify the school or work setting.
  • Define the selected needs.
  • Identify and explain the factors that affect human behavior, including autonomy, competence, and relatedness.
  • Assess the importance of acquired needs.
  • Apply 1 to 2 theories or models―such as drive reduction theory, cognitive evaluation theory, or Atkinson's model―to how physiological, psychological, implicit, and quasi needs affect behavior.
  • Explain how organizations are affected by unmet human needs, as well as what can be done to improve the employee or student experiences.


Include at least 2 references from scholarly, peer-reviewed sources, plus the textbook.


Format Please citations in your speaker notes and format References according to APA guidelines.


Note: When approaching Learning Team assignments, equal group work is required. Reference your Learning Team Charter for the details and guidance.


Submit your assignment. (Remember, only 1 person can submit for the Team. Choose a person and them make sure they submit it).


Status NEW Posted 14 Feb 2024 10:02 PM My Price 8.00

PSY----------- 35-----------5 W-----------eek----------- 2 -----------Mot-----------iva-----------tio-----------n a-----------nd -----------Nee-----------ds -----------PPT----------- Pr-----------ese-----------nta-----------tio-----------n-----------


1707951744-PSY 355 Week 2 Motivation and Needs PPT Presentation.pptx
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