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Category > Biology Posted 26 Apr 2017 My Price 20.00

Analysis of a Scientific Article

MEA 205
Instructions for Writing a Summary and
Analysis of a Scientific Article
With these assignments I want you to practice synthesizing scientific material and communicating the main points effectively. Reading the Article
You should read the title, abstract and conclusion of the article first, then read the entire article. Look up any key terms or concepts that are new
to you. You should be able to explain the article in plain language to someone not in the science field. Writing the Summary and Analysis
Like an abstract in published research article, the purpose of an article summary is to give the reader a brief overview of the study. To write a
good summary, identify what information is important and condense that information for your reader. The better you understand a subject, the
easier it tis to explain it thoroughly and briefly. Write a first draft. Use the same order as in the article itself. Adjust the length accordingly depending on the content of your particular article
and how you will be using the summary. State the research question and explain why it is interesting
o What is the main question being asked by the research?
How does that question fit into a larger context? Explain the key implications of the results. Avoid overstating the importance of the findings. The results, and the interpretation of the
results, should relate directly to the hypotheses.
o Explain your interpretations, especially if those interpretations differ from the authors’ ideas.
Discuss any connections to other topics addressed in your course.
Suggest ways to improve or continue the research.
Discuss any questions that this work raises for you. Complete reference of the article being summarized and any other work used to write the summary in MLA format. For the first draft, focus on content, not length (it will probably be too long). Condense later as needed. The assignment is a minimum of 600
words and shouldn’t be longer than about two-and-a-half pages to text. Do not ‘cut-and-paste’ from the article. When students do not really understand what they read, their writing is a jumble of statements nearly
straight from the article with no interpretation of synthesis. This strategy is common among students who wait until the last minute to do their
summaries. Such practices border on, or can actually be, plagiarism if the information is not cited correctly. Remember for your assignments you
need less than a 25% similarity according to Turn-it-in. Edit for completeness and accuracy. Add information for completeness where necessary. More commonly, if you understand the article, you will
need to cut redundant or less important information.
Stay focused on the research question, be concise, and avoid generalities. Edit for style. Write to an intelligent, interested, naïve, a slightly lazy audience (e.g., yourself, your classmates). Expect your readers to be
interested, but don’t make them struggle to understand you. Include all the important details; don’t assume that they are already understood. Eliminate wordiness, including most adverbs (“very”, “clearly”). “The results clearly showed that there was no difference between the
groups” can be shortened to “There was no significant difference between the groups”. Use specific, concrete language. Use precise language and cite specific examples to support assertions. Avoid pronouns and vague
references (e.g. “this illustrates” should be “this result illustrates”). Use scientifically accurate language. For example, you cannot “prove” hypotheses (especially with just one study). You “support” or “fail
to find support for” them. Rely primarily on paraphrasing, not direct quotes. Direct quotes are seldom used in scientific writhing. Instead, paraphrase what you
have read. Rely on direct quotes only when dealing with data. Statistics, or very precise technically scientific language. To give due credit
for information that you paraphrase, cite the lead author’s last name and the page number of the information according to the MLA style
(Smith 19). Re-read what you have written. Ask others to read it to catch things that you’ve missed. Adapted from:
Summarizing a Research Article 1997-2006, University of Washington
Summarizing a Scientific Article, Megan Hoffman Scientific Journal Article Checklist for the Student The following checklist follows the format of most scientific journal articles. Hopefully, it will help you critically evaluate each section of the
article you choose. INTRODUCTION
1. Did the authors tell why the study was performed?
2. Was enough background provided that you understood the goals of the study? LITERATURE CITED
1. Did the authors document their comments with appropriate citations?
2. Did the authors cite their own or unpublished works excessively?
1. Is the abstract understandable?
2. Does the abstract include data not presented in the study? 3. Does the abstract include statements that are not documented? Research Paper Rubric Name ___________________________________________________Date__________________Score________ Category Exceeds Standard Meets Standard Nearly Meets Standard Title Page Title
Your Name, Professor’s Name,
Course Period
Date, Neatly finished, no errors
Clearly and concisely states the
paper’s purpose in a single sentence,
which is engaging, and though
The introduction is engaging, states
the main topic and previews the
structure of the paper Evidence of four Each paragraph has thoughtful
supporting detail sentences that
develop the main idea
Writer demonstrates logical and
subtle sequencing of ideas through
well-developed paragraphs,
transitions are used to enhance
The conclusion is engaging and
restates the thesis Each paragraph has sufficient
supporting detail sentences
that develop the main idea
Paragraph development
present but not perfected No errors in punctuation,
capitalization and spelling Almost no errors in
punctuation, capitalization
and spelling No errors sentence structure and
word usage Almost no errors in sentence
structure and word usage Many errors in sentence
structure and word usage All cited works, both text and visual,
are done in the correct format with Some cited works, both text
and visual, are done in the Few cited works, both text
and visual, are done in the Thesis
Introduction Body
of the Idea
Mechanics Usage Citation Evidence of 3 Does Not meet
Evidence of 2 or less No
Absent Clearly states the paper’s
purpose in a single sentence States the paper’s purpose
in a single sentence Incomplete and/or
unfocused Absent,
evidence The introduction states the
main topic and previews the
structure of the paper The introduction states the
main topic but does not
adequately preview the
structure of the paper
Each paragraph lacks
supporting detail
Logical organization,
organization of ideas not
fully developed There is no clear
introduction or main
topic and the structure
of the paper is missing
Each paragraph fails to
develop the main idea Absent,
evidence No evidence of structure
or organization Not
applicable The conclusion does not
adequately restate the
Many errors in sentence
structure and word usage Incomplete and /or
unfocused Absent Numerous and
distracting errors in
sentence structure and
work usage
Numerous and
distracting errors in
sentence structure and
word usage
Absent Not
applicable The conclusion restates the
thesis Not
applicable Not
applicable Score no errors
Bibliography Done in the correct format with no
errors, Includes more than 5 major
references (e.g., science journal
articles, books, but no more than two
internet sites. Periodicals available
on-line are not considered internet). correct format.
Inconsistencies evident
Done in the correct format
with few errors. Includes 5
major references (e.g.,
science journal articles,
books, but no more than two
internet sites. Periodicals
available on-line are not
considered internet). correct format
Done in the correct format
with some errors. Includes
4 major references (e.g.,
science journal articles,
books but no more than
two internet sites.
Periodicals available online are not considered
internet). Done in the correct
format with many
errors. Includes 3 major
references (e.g., science
journal articles, books
but no more than two
internet sites.
Periodicals available online are not considered
internet). Absent or
the only
sites are
sites Scores for each category to be weighted at the discretion of the individual
instructor The A paper
Ideas Excels in responding to The B paper
A soled paper, The C paper
Adequate by weaker The D paper
Does not have a clear The F paper
Does not respond to Organization
& coherence assignment. Interesting,
demonstrates sophistication
of thought. Central
idea/thesis is clearly
communicated, worth
developing; limited enough
to be manageable. Paper
recognizes some complexity
of its theses: may
acknowledge its
contradictions, qualifications,
or limits and follow out their
logical implications.
Understands and critically
evaluates its sources,
appropriately limits and
defines terms responding appropriately
to assignment. Clearly
states a thesis/central
idea, but may have minor
lapses in development.
Begins to acknowledge
the complexity of central
idea and the possibility
of other points of view.
Shows careful reading of
sources but may not
evaluate them critically.
Attempts to define
terms, not always
successful Uses a logical structure
appropriate to paper’s
subject, purpose, audience,
thesis and disciplinary field.
Sophisticated transitional
sentences often develop one
idea from the previous one or
identify their logical
relations. T guides the reader
through the chain of
reasoning or progression of
ideas. Shows a logical
progression of ideas and
used fairly sophisticated
transitional devices; e.g.,
may move from least to
more important idea.
Some logical links may be
faulty, but each
paragraph clearly relates
to paper’s central idea. and less effective,
possible responding
less well to
assignment. Presents
central idea in general
terms, often
depending on
platitudes or clichés.
Usually does not
acknowledge other
views. Shows basic
comprehension of
sources, perhaps with
lapses in
understanding. If it
defines terms, often
depends on dictionary
May list ideas or
arrange them
randomly rather than
using any evident
logical structure. May
use transitions, but
they are likely to be
sequential (first,
second, third) rather
than logic-based.
While each paragraph
may relate to central
idea, logic is not
always clear.
Paragraphs have topic
sentences but may be
overly general, and
arrangement of
sentences within central idea or does
not respond
appropriately to the
assignment. Thesis
may be too vague or
obvious to be
developed effectively.
Paper may
misunderstand sources the assignment, lacks a
theses or central idea,
and may neglect to use
sources where
necessary. May have random
organization, lacking
internal paragraph
coherence and using
few or inappropriate
transitions. Paragraphs
may lack topic
sentences or main
ideas, or may be too
general or too specific
to be effective.
Paragraphs may not all
relate to papers
theses. No appreciable
organization; lacks
transitions and
coherence. Support Uses evidence appropriately
and effectively, providing
sufficient evidence and
explanation to convince. Begins to offer reasons to
support its points,
perhaps using varied
kinds of evidence. Begins
to interpret the evidence
and explain connections
between evidence and
main ideas. Its examples
bear some relevance. Style Choses words for their
precise meaning and uses an
appropriate level of
specificity. Sentences style
fits paper’s audience and
purpose. Sentences are
varied yet clearly structured
and carefully focused, not
long and rambling. Generally uses words
accurately and
effectively, but may
sometimes be too
general. Sentences
generally clear, well
structured, and focused,
though some may be
awkward or ineffective. Mechanics Almost entirely free of
spelling, punctuation, and
grammatical errors. May contain a few errors,
which may annoy the
reader but not impede
understanding. paragraphs may lack
Often uses
generalizations to
support its points. May
use examples, but they
may be obvious or not
relevant. Often
depends on
unsupported opinion
or personal experience
or assumes that
evidence speaks for
itself and needs no
application to the
point being discussed.
Often has lapses in
Uses relatively vague
and general words,
may use some
language. Sentence
structure generally
correct, but sentences
may be wordy,
unfocused, repetitive,
or confusing.
Usually contains
several mechanical
errors, which may
temporally confuse the
reader but not impede
the overall
understanding. Depends on clichés or
overgeneralizations for
support, or offers little
evidence of any kind.
May be personal
narrative rather than
essay, or summary
rather than analysis. Uses irrelevant details
or lacks supporting
evidence entirely. May
be unduly brief. May be too vague and
abstract, or very
personal and specific.
Usually contains
several awkward or
sentences; sentence
structure is simple or
monotonous. Usually contain many
awkward sentences,
misuses words, and
employs inappropriate
language. Usually contain either
many mechanical
errors or a few
important errors that
block the reader’s
understanding and
ability to see
connections between
thoughts. Usually contain so
many mechanical
errors that it is
impossible for the
reader to follow the
thinking from sentence
to sentence. Modeled after rubric used in the UC Davis English Department Composition Program Instructions for this 120 point written paper. 1.
4. Your Research Paper will be 3-5 pages, double spaced and a 12 font Calibri (Body) or Times New Roman.
Must use 4 resources (your text book can be one of them)
Use APA format. Google APA format if you are not familiar with it. There are several resources online that will guide you.
Paper is due Sunday April 30, 2017. No papers will be accepted after this date.




Status NEW Posted 26 Apr 2017 05:04 AM My Price 20.00



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