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Category > Programming Posted 29 Apr 2017 My Price 8.00

Write a SELECT statement that returns these columns

Write a SELECT statement that returns these columns from the Products table:The list_price columnThe discount_percent columnA column named discount_amount that uses the previous twocolumns to calculate the discount amount and uses the ROUNDfunction to round the result so it has 2 decimal digits2. Write a SELECT statement that returns these columns from the Orders table:The order_date columnA column that uses the DATE_FORMAT function to return the fourdigityear that’s stored in the order_date columnA column that uses the DATE_FORMAT function to return theorder_date column in this format: Mon-DD-YYYY. In other words,use abbreviated months and separate each date component withdashes.A column that uses the DATE_FORMAT function to return theorder_date column with only the hours and minutes on a 12-hourclock with an am/pm indicatorA column that uses the DATE_FORMAT function to return theorder_date column in this format: MM/DD/YY HH:SS. In otherwords, use two-digit months, days, and years and separate them byslashes. Use 2-digit hours and minutes on a 24-hour clock. And useleading zeros for all date/time components.3. Write a SELECT statement that returns these columns from the Orders table:The card_number columnThe length of the card_number columnThe last four digits of the card_number columnWhen you get that working right, add the columns that follow to the result set. This ismore difficult because these columns require the use of functions within functions.A column that displays the last four digits of the card_numbercolumn in this format: XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-1234. In other words,use Xs for the first 12 digits of the card number and actual numbersfor the last four digits of the number. 15 My Guitar Shop Exercises for Murach’s MySQL (2nd Edition)4. Write a SELECT statement that returns these columns from the Orders table:The order_id columnThe order_date columnA column named approx_ship_date that’s calculated by adding 2days to the order_date columnThe ship_date columnA column named days_to_ship that shows the number of daysbetween the order date and the ship dateWhen you have this working, add a WHERE clause that retrieves just the orders forMay 2015.


Status NEW Posted 29 Apr 2017 08:04 AM My Price 8.00


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