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Teaching Since: | Apr 2017 |
Last Sign in: | 254 Weeks Ago |
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MBA, Ph.D in Management
Harvard university
Feb-1997 - Aug-2003
Strayer University
Jan-2007 - Present
It has been a great experience attending the AERA 2017 Conference as graduate students where
I met many distinguished scholars and educational experts who specialize in various educational
disciplines. This was my first time at this conference, my impression was great, and I think this
conference was very well organized. I enjoyed the five days’ event and all of the sessions that I
attended. There were interesting presentations, and workshops on different educational topics,
which were very informative and insightful. Attending this conference was an enriching
experience for me, and it helped me to make fascinating discussions with impressive scholars,
exchanging ideas with other colleagues, sharing expertise with educators from different
backgrounds, and socializing with researchers share the same research interest with me.
At the beginning of the AERA 2017 conference, I was overwhelmed by the number of the
sessions that I want to attend; but being a member of the learning and instruction division
helped me to concentrate my attention to the sessions related to these topics. Most of the
sessions under this division were touching topics that I am interested in. I believe that being a
member of this division made the experience of attending the conference more meaningful for
me. On of the most extraordinary sessions that I attended was the “Motivation Theory
Yesterday, Today, and Tomorrow: Reflections of Founders and Descendants." During this session,
I had the chance to listen to some of the most influential theorists in the field of motivation
such as Bernard Weiner, Dale Schunk, Edward Deci, and Jacque Eccles. Listening to these
scientists talking about their works and theories was inspiring. Another great session I attended
was “Motivation Theory and Intervention: Progress and Prospects” by Dr. Judith Harackiewicz.
Also, the "Factors Impacting Students' Self-Regulated Learning and Motivation” session was
very useful for me.
One of the most interesting things in the AERA conference was the Special Interest Group’s
(SIG) business meetings. I was lucky to meet Dr. Hefer Bembenutty who invited me to attend
the Studying and Self-Regulated Learning (SSRL) SIG business meeting and the following
dinner. As a graduate student who is interested in the Self-Regulated Learning, this was a great
experience for me. Meeting face to face with people I was readings their works like Dale
Schunk, and Philip Winne was a great experience. Also, joining the dinner with the SSRL
members was a great opportunity for me to meet researchers and colleagues who are leading
the field of the Self-Regulated Learning. After experiencing this, I decided to become a member
of the SSRL SIG.
Finally, I would like to express my thanks to the people who have made this conference possible and those who have shared their experiences during this event. I have benefited very much
from this wonderful conference. Attending great sessions, meeting new people, discussing educational issues with great scholars, and sharing research ideas with colleagues at AERA
2017 was an enriching experience for me. Also, I believe that becoming a member of SSRL SIG
will have a real impact on me. I am looking forward to AERA 2018 conference, see you there. Yours sincerely,
Laith Jumah
Florida State University