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I attached the all the articles that should be included please do not use any other source
This assignment should be 2 to 3, Single-space within a citation, double-space between citations.
Prepare an annotated bibliography of your 5 selected research articles (THE 5 ARTICLS ARE ATTACHED TO THIS EMAIL) according to the rules of APA Style® ( for reference citations.
oYour annotated bibliography must include two systematic review articles and three research articles from 5 different journals.
What is an Annotated Bibliography?
An annotated bibliography is a reference list of professional publications (i.e., journal articles, books, book chapters, etc.) that includes critical explanatory notes or comments. A good annotation is one that briefly summarizes each publication and weighs its value for the topic under consideration (Rampolla, 2001).
In writing an entry, summarize what you read in your own words. The annotation should not merely reflect what is implied by the title or written in the abstract. Do not state the obvious. Avoid nonessential details. Annotations of research articles should report 1-2 major findings and 1-2 major recommendations. Your concluding sentence should reflect a synthesis of what you learned from reading the publication and your critical analysis of the text. Annotations tend to be 4 to 6 sentences in length.
Any student who cuts and pastes from the abstract or directly from the article itself will receive a FAILING grade for this assignment and will not be given the opportunity to revise or resubmit it.
Example of Annotated Bibliography is below:
Annotated Bibliography
Mills, E., Jadad, A. R., Ross, C., & Wilson, K. (2005). Systematic review of qualitative studies exploring parental beliefs and attitudes toward childhood vaccination identifies common barriers to vaccination. Journal of Clinical Epidemiology,58(11), 1081-1088. doi:10.1016/j.jclinepi.2005.09.002
The purpose of this study was to analyze whether or not the review of qualitative research could result to identify constant themes across several studies, utilizing obstacles to childhood immunization as an illustration. The author included fifteen studies. The problem identified in the research shows distrust of vaccination, the risk of negative impacts, the fallacy that vaccines are painful, belief that vaccinations ought not to happen when a child is sick, lack of proper knowledge of vaccination schedules, and poor communication. This is a significant study as it provides information and knowledge about vaccination, and downgrades the misconceptions and fallacies surrounding childhood vaccination.
Trim, K., Nagji, N., Elit, L., & Roy, K. (2012). Parental Knowledge, Attitudes, and Behaviors towards Human Papillomavirus Vaccination for Their Children: A Systematic Review from 2001 to 2011. Obstetrics and Gynecology International, 2012, 1-12. doi:10.1155/2012/921236
The objective of this study was to conduct a systematic assessment of parents knowledge regarding the HPV infection and child HPV immunization so as to comprehend caregiver behavior, attitudes as well as knowledge of these vaccines before and after FDA approval. The caregiver percentage of those who had heard of HPV increased from sixty percent in 2005 to ninety-three percent in 2009. This was also the case for the acknowledgment of the link between cervical cancer and HPV infection. Generally, there was a significant difference in HPV vaccine knowledge before and after FDA approval. The study concluded that there were still safety concerns and required more information from the medical professionals to have their children vaccinated. This study has elucidated the significance of information regarding HPV vaccination. It has shown that with better information reaching the parents, more are becoming confident in process of vaccination.
Voidăzan, S., Tarcea, M., Morariu, S., Grigore, A., & Dobreanu, M. (2016). Human Papillomavirus Vaccine – Knowledge and Attitudes among Parents of Children Aged 10–14 Years: A Cross-sectional Study, Tîrgu Mureş, Romania. Central European Journal of Public Health CEJPH,24(1), 29-38. doi:10.21101/cejph.a4287
The objective of this research was to assess the degree of awareness among caregivers regarding the human papillomavirus (HPV) infection, and obstacles in immunization process. From the study, a majority of the participants claimed they would subject their children to vaccination due to inadequate knowledge about the side effects of the vaccine. The study concluded that parents displayed an average HPV infection and vaccination knowledge. The study recommends that the implementation of any vaccination program should include an increase in HPV acceptance rate through education aimed at children and parents, supported by health professionals. This study is important as it shows some critical need for increasing public awareness about HPV vaccine children.
Vonasek, B. J., Bajunirwe, F., Jacobson, L. E., Twesigye, L., Dahm, J., Grant, M. J., Conway, J. H. (2016). Do Maternal Knowledge and Attitudes towards Childhood Immunizations in Rural Uganda Correlate with Complete Childhood Vaccination? PLOS ONE PLoS ONE,11(2). doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0150131
The objective of this research was to assess mothers’ attitudes as well as knowledge towards child vaccination, and to see if these variables had any correlation to the vaccination with their offspring. The study gathered attitudes, knowledge and socio-demographic data towards childhood vaccinations. Eighty-eight percent of the progenies acquired age-appropriate and timely vaccinations, and ninety-three percent of the mothers said that vaccines protect their children from diseases. Those unable to conclusively state this were more likely than not to have under-vaccinated their children. The barriers stated the fear of side effects, laziness, and ignorance. This research allows the development of better decisions that conduct to vaccination strategies that are more effective.
Zyoud, S. H., Taha, A. A., Araj, K. F., Abahri, I. A., Sawalha, A. F., Sweileh, W. M., Al-Jabi, S. W. (2015). Parental knowledge, attitudes and practices regarding antibiotic use for acute upper respiratory tract infections in children: A cross-sectional study in Palestine. BMC Pediatrics BMC Pediatr,15(1). doi:10.1186/s12887-015-0494-5
The idea of this research was to carry out a survey of the practices, attitudes, and knowledge of Palestinian caregivers about the use of antibiotics for children with URTIs. The findings of the study differed in many ways where some saying that the use of antibiotics leads to bacterial resistance. It was also established that a particular group used antibiotics to treat URTIs while others used them to treat fever and earache. The study concluded that parents in Palestine lacked of sufficient knowledge about URTIs in children, a factor which led to unsuitable practices and poor attitude towards these medications. Therefore, effective knowledge intervention is necessary to have the proper use of antibiotics to prevent resistance.
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