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Category > History Posted 16 Jun 2017 My Price 10.00

1250 words not including title or reference page

Question description


first you can send me a draft/outline of what you are going to write about?

I would like to see it before you write the entire paper so that we can discuss the content

In this paper (1250 words not including title or reference page) you will answer a focus question related to the historical and contemporary debate over the purposes of schooling and the role of the teacher.

This assignment will allow you to demonstrate your development and understanding of differing perspectives related to the purpose of public school and the role of teachers in American society. There are 4 categories for grading (each on a 1-5 scale).

1. The paper should identify and analyze historical and contemporary debates over the role of public schooling and teachers in American society.

2. The paper should provide support with evidence from course materials and independent research. You are expected to use at least three sources for the paper. At least one of the three sources must be a peer-reviewed research publication, and at least one should be the course text.


see attached for more details


Status NEW Posted 16 Jun 2017 05:06 PM My Price 10.00

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