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Category > History Posted 27 Jun 2017 My Price 10.00

12/05/16 read the wikipedia entries on “Black Lives Matter

Question description


Format One essay question (2-2.5 pages, single space) and three shorter essay questions (approx. 1 page, single space). Text must be single spaced, in 12 point font (either Times New Roman or Cambria), with traditional spaced margins (1 ¼” margins for the sides, 1” for headers and footers).

Read the following excerpts from the Wikipedia entries on “Black Lives Matter” and on “All Lives Matter”. If you are not familiar with the movement you are encouraged to further research it online. When doing so, make sure that you are only using real news sources in your research, not fake ones.


Read this article referencing research conducted at Stanford showing that over 80% of students can’t distinguish between real and fake news (with a link to the actual research report): And this article, explaining how to tell the difference between real and fake news: Using articles you have read for class and materials covered in class discussions, write a critical essay discussing both the Black Lives Matter movement and the reaction to it. You must draw on at least 5 articles (or films) in your discussion – you may reference works by Ansell, Winant, Brodkin, Wacquant, Hall (1996), Mead, Cooley, Dubois, the PBS series on Race, Eberhardt, and Jacoby. You may also draw on other works discussed in class, if you wish. You may draw on whichever 5 articles you wish, but the above suggestions might be more easily incorporated into your discussion of the subject matter. It does not matter whether you draw on pieces covered in the first or second half of the class. In addition to a minimum of five articles discussed in class, you may draw on other academic articles, if you wish. Include references to all the literature you use in your essay, as well as references to any online content if you are quoting or referencing it in your work. Remember that this will be submitted online, so make sure you are not copypasting any text from any online articles on the topic.


Status NEW Posted 27 Jun 2017 04:06 PM My Price 10.00

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