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Category > Foreign Languages Posted 01 Jul 2017 My Price 10.00

Language and Culture, writing homework help


Question description


we learned about the Sapir-Whorf hypothesis. While this is a difficult idea to prove, we saw how language does impact how we view things.

In this discussion please provide one example for each of the following and discuss how the word or name impacts your perception:

  1. A celebrity who has changed his/her name. Please do not use obvious examples. We know "Snoop Dogg" is not his birth name. Find a less obvious example.
  2. A product name. Think about products in a grocery store. Provide a name designed to impact your perception of that product. What does the name cause you to think about? Why?
  3. An ordinary job with an extraordinary name. I gave you some examples in the podcast, but what others have you heard? Have you ever had an ordinary job with an extraordinary name? Does the fancier sounding name cause you to view the job in a different way?


Status NEW Posted 01 Jul 2017 10:07 AM My Price 10.00

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