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  • MCS,MBA(IT), Pursuing PHD
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Category > HR Management Posted 04 Jul 2017 My Price 10.00

Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP), writing assignment help


Question description


The details are attached.

The length is on there is 2 pages single space which includes MLA college format header

A++ work and on time please

BBA – Major in Computer Information Systems Critical Thinking Through Writing Plan

(CIS 3001) Managing IT Projects (Fall, 2016)


Critical thinking through writing in Computer Information Systems is defined as using writing to assist in developing ability to select, analyze, evaluate, synthesize, and draw inferences about business situations and information, and apply problem-solving skills to formulate and communicate convincing reasons in support of conclusions and solutions.


All BBA students pursuing a major in Computer Information Systems will develop their critical thinking through writing skills throughout their major courses as follows.The assignments will require students to:

•          Gather, organize, and classify, pertinent information, materials, and data

•          Evaluate assumptions, evidence, ideas, and information

•          Analyze information

•          Consider and/or integrate disparate ideas and information

•          Develop rational, reasonable, and informed conclusions

•          Present a clear expression of derived conclusions, judgments, and solutions


In this paper, students will prepare a written analysis and conclusion for IT project management decision (e.g., Enterprise System Implementation).Student will need to do some research on how a company’s IT department implement their enterprise system and what methodologies they used. And write a two-page’s plan / reflection paper (single space) based on the company’s scenario that the (individual) student chooses to do so.


For instance, enterprise systems (ES) are used by business and governmental organizations to manage and optimize many business functions using Information technology. Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) is a type of ES that integrates business processes across departments and functions using a single database. This provide real-time data for ease of sharing information and making operational and strategic decisions throughout the enterprise. In addition, ERP systems integration has been extended to enterprise systems such as customer relationship management (CRM) and supply chain management (SCM).




Sample Written AnalysisScoring Rubric







Rubrics – Possible Scores




Weight (%)






1. Gather, organize, classify data

Sufficient content and depth





Major lack of content

Gaps in content, superficial

Discusses all topics fully

2.  Evaluate assumptions, evidence, ideas and information

Clearly stated assumptions





Few assumptions listed or no justification

Some assumptions listed and justified

All assumptions clearly identified and fully justified

3.  Analyze information

Complete analysis of issues; complete and accurate calculations





Lacking consideration of major issues; missing calculations

Considers some major issues; many mistakes in formulas

Completely considers all issues and correct calculations

4.  Synthesize ideas and information

Logical organization, sequence, and integration of ideas





Chaotic order; ideas not integrated

Ideas are confused and hard to follow

All ideas integrated in logical order

5.  Develop rational, reasonable, and informed conclusions

Logical inferences and conclusions





Interpretation and conclusions missing

Jump to conclusions without logic

Clear conclusions logically follow from evidence and interpretation

6.  Clearly communicates conclusions, judgments, and solutions

Writing clarity; correct mechanics; accurate citation of references





Difficult to understand; many mechanical errors; appears to be plagiarizing,

Some confusing passages; some errors in mechanics and citations; too many direct quotes

Clearly written with correct mechanics; all sources cited, with referenced materials integrated into paper












Status NEW Posted 04 Jul 2017 07:07 AM My Price 10.00

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